best vocalists in metal

you said you're a singer right? any chance i can hear you somehow?

i can give you a recording of me and my teacher doing right now by VAN HALEN, he does keyboards and i'm on vox
yeah i've been working on my singin more seriously for like a year now i need to get my recorders and do some demos though i still haven't been able to buy one i'm going to make a mini-studio on my computer to compose and record some demos so it won't take long, you got link to hear you? i would like to hear it
I am surprised LaBrie took such a bashing and didn't get in many peoples' lists.
In my humble opinion, he is a fantastic singer. His control over breathing is almost unmatched and his vibrato and phrasing are fantastic.
Granted there are times when he doesn't sound spot on, but you'll get that with any singer.
His performance when I've seen them play live is incredible, and on all the live recordings, he manages to achieve what he's going for (clean and precise on Scenes From new York, Live At The Marquee and more bluesy and rock on Once In A Livetime and Live In Tokyo).

Some of my other favourites are Daniel Gildenlow. I've seen Pain of Salvation live, and all 3 singers were brilliant. But it's Gildenlow's ability to convey emotion. Simply awesome.

I love Russell Allen's voice. I think his live performance is also fantastic, but his studio work is really inspirational. All his ad lib parts sound fantastic, too.

I thought Layne Stayley had a great voice too, perhaps a bit technically bad, but he was really unique-sounding.
Originally posted by Dark5675
not yet, but next sunday we'll record it then i'll get it on my computer and then we need to figure out a way to give it to you

cool let me know when you have the recording done
I agree with most of you,except for the one who said "Hetfield" and I don't like LaBrie live(in studio he is good,but not "awesome").
My vote for a girl will be to Floor.
And how can you forget people like Mark Boals(Yngwie Malmsteen,Ring of Fire,solo),Eric Martin(Mr. Big) and Andi Deris(Helloween)?They're AWESOME!
I would rate Russel Allen light years ahead of his contemporaries. The only other singer I like is Dave Mustaine; particularly in SFSGSW. I think the production on Rust In Peace may suite Marty Friedman's playing, and Mustaine's fast rythm, but it doesn't suite mustaines voice as well. The old recordings bring out the best in his vocal style.

Oh, I forgot to mention Marc Boals, who although took a bit of getting used to, was in a large part responsible for my favourite Yngwie album ever; Alchemy. The syle of his vocals suite the medievil fantasy themes like nobody else; (for example, I heard some Rhapsody songs and the singing, although solid, is very cheesy, and Marc Boals give this medievil fantasy semi genre of neo classical a depth of atmosphere, with melodrama coherent with the style rather than misjudged cheesyness).
Lets see...

Russel Allen (Symphony X)
Bruce Dickinson (Iron)
Hansi Kursch (Blind G.)
Ripper Owens (Judas)
Phil Anselmo (Pantera!!!) :rock:
Mike Dimeo (Riot)
Oliver Hartmann (At Vance)
Edu Falaschi (Angra)

And thats about it, i guess...

Not my favorite bands but...they sure kick ass...

aw... Symphony X IS my favorite band!

later \,,/
michael kiske(hellowen) and bruce dickison are the best vocalist.
if you want to hear kiske voice, download eagle fly free by hellowen.