Who is the best singer in metal?

Those high ranges are just falsetto voices. FOr example, Kiske also uses very much falsetto. But he sometimes reaches high notes without falsettos, which i haven't seen in Diamond's style. Reaching high notes with falsetto is not something very difficult, as you think. As a vocalist myself, i see no point in trying to imitate such a style, which should not mean i can not. You never know ;) And if you want to see a singer who can sing at extremly high ranges yet he could switch to the lowest growl in a second, try Dani Filth. But such screams and growls are not accepted as a person's real voices either. It is hard to express in english for me but, they are more with the help mof your throat, rather than your vocal chords...
Kid when will you get it?You cannot compare that screaming chiwawa known as dani filth to such a great vocalist as king diamond.It is extremly difficult to growl as low any death metal vocalist yet sing as high as any power metal vocalist.Rob halford and bruce dickonsen are two vocalist I truly do respect.But when it comes to technical skill NOBODY beats the king.You can keep disagreeing with me if you want but it is useless as I am ultimatly right.
Kid when will you get it?You cannot compare that screaming chiwawa known as dani filth to such a great vocalist as king diamond.It is extremly difficult to growl as low any death metal vocalist yet sing as high as any power metal vocalist.Rob halford and bruce dickonsen are two vocalist I truly do respect.But when it comes to technical skill NOBODY beats the king.You can keep disagreeing with me if you want but it is useless as I am ultimatly right.

Who is Bruce dickonsen btw, a Swedish guy or sth? :lol: Falsetto is a technical skill of course, and Diamond is a vocalist who uses this very effectively. But that is only one thing.. Anyway, no need to push this discussion further
Forgive me great master of grammer for a simple misspelling of a name I rarely spell.Yep pretty much there is no point in disscussing this anymore as I am the correct one:)
Nope diamond pretty much has more vocal abilities than anybody mentioned here.You cannot compare gildenlow to diamond(unless you are that thick).Anybody who says different than me is wrong.King diamond pretty much lines up with all those opera singers and all other vocalist (in metal) are way below him.

No.. No sarcasm at all! You say King has great vocal abilities.. Half of the time, he´s speaking through the songs.. I´ll give that King might be an "emotional" singer, but dude, he sounds like crap most of the time. To say he´s technically better than all metal singers is just stupid. Technically, he is nowhere near most other metal singers and opera singer have power in their voices, King does not!
No.. No sarcasm at all! You say King has great vocal abilities.. Half of the time, he´s speaking through the songs.. I´ll give that King might be an "emotional" singer, but dude, he sounds like crap most of the time. To say he´s technically better than all metal singers is just stupid. Technically, he is nowhere near most other metal singers and opera singer have power in their voices, King does not!

Please kill yourself or at least cut your fingers off so you cant post your ignorance anymore.
Can a snob -having the ability just to type with one finger- write as effectively and speedily with his nose as his finger? I just wondered suddenly, no relation to any person or context discussed here :p
This thread is funny and highly entertaining. I'd rather argue in a best guitarist thread, cos I don't overly care about vocalists, but I like-
Mikael Akerfeldt
Russell Allen
Marco Hietala
James Labrie
Rob Rock (I don't think he's got much of a mention yet...)
Ok, now you are really hurting my feelings, how will my heart survive this...
Comparing King / Gildenlöw is like saying Ace Frehley is a better gutarist than Mike Romeo.

What exactly does ace/mike/guitars have to do with any of this?Thats just how it is.King diamond is technicly better than all other vocalist.If you prefer other vocalist that is strictly YOUR opinion but when it comes to the facts nobody comes close.Get it?Also can you explain how king sounds like crap?
Also I think we are talking about singers.Vocalist like ihsahn are not singers they are screamers and they cant sing a lick for beans.

Ihsahn performs good clean vocals, as well as his screams; just like Akerfeldt... (I like Akerfeldt more, but try to be objective)

And this means you are talking nonsense...