recording space flooded!!


Mar 30, 2005
Today I received the worst news I can expect at the moment.
The radiators of the house where I usually record and where I store lot of my equipment blew and the house is actually flooded.
The problem is that the house was isolated because of the big amount of snow of the past weeks. I went there to pick some cables and my marshall cab in january and after 2 days the snow who knows since when the house is in those conditions.
All my equipment (minus the profire2626, a couple of mics and the cabs) is still there, in some boxes over a carpet...on the opposite side of the radiator.
The only hope I have is that the carpet maybe have stopped the water.
If the boxes have been reached by the water maybe all the mics have been into a lot of humidity for a lot of time so lot of hoxid inside. I have also my focusrite octopre and a Savage 60...all the cables, a big snake cable, trigger set.....holy shit!
Tomorrow I'll go to check the situation because now I'm away...I'm just terrified.
Maybe I should cry like a girl ......
good luck! but maybe it is not the worth thing that could happen, I had my studio totaly flooded with shit when the toilet pipe was stuck and cracked, it was leading from the second floor down to the first and directly passing throe the studio room and it blew right in the studio room and all that shit went out)) I had about 10cm of shit with the water covering the floor, But the worth is that fucking shit stench was there for about a year after it happened, a shity studio)) but now it's ok and it did not realy effected the sound we got after all)
good luck! but maybe it is not the worth thing that could happen, I had my studio totaly flooded with shit when the toilet pipe was stuck and cracked, it was leading from the second floor down to the first and directly passing throe the studio room and it blew right in the studio room and all that shit went out)) I had about 10cm of shit with the water covering the floor, But the worth is that fucking shit stench was there for about a year after it happened, a shity studio)) but now it's ok and it did not realy effected the sound we got after all)

changing your studio name into "shitstorm studios" would have been an awesome "fuck you" move