TRANSCENDING return to the stage!!

I will be trying my very best to get there tonight, I will have to convince my friend to leave our hotel room I think.. maybe if Pyro comes completely naked..
Is the Harp Hotel always that easy to get into, not that i'm complaining.

And what was with the lack of The last Horizon material, also not that i'm complaining :)
Absolutley, I love that song and its even more special too know that i'll probly never see it again.
Great gig guys! New material sounds amazing and the PENTAGRAM and CANDLEMASS covers kicked major Tempe ass!!
Beyond Remembrance sounded fantastic even with one guitar and if it is to be the last time they ever play it then let it be said they played it very well indeed!:kickass:
I'm sure a lot of people wanted more songs off the album but the band is at a crossroads at the moment and moving in a slightly different yet no less exciting direction. I also think with one guitarist now it makes playing the old songs live very difficult to some degree? Am i wrong guys?
Lastly just a big thanks again to everyone who came along and supported the bands and Metal Evilution.My biggest turnout to that venue yet so again thanks and hope you keep returning.:)
Great gig! Suprisingly good reaction to the new doomtastic material. As Dave said, only having one guitarist makes playing pretty much anything off The Last Horizon impossible. So unfortunately it looks like not much if anything will be getting played off that in the future. As i've said we hope to get some new recorded material out soon so people can get more familiar with the newer songs in the set.
Sobrusion were pretty awesome, it was just a shame to hear confirmation that Jennifer has finally drowned. Also pissed me off that I couldn't find a working ATM as I would've loved to pick up a copy of their CD and a TM patch on the night.

Friar Rush were awesome as always. Another stunning performance which left nothing to be desired and everything to be happy about.

Transcending Mortality... ack... it's all your fault Sabine! :waah: Nah, the new stuff didn't immediately grab me as much as the earlier material but it wasn't bad by any means. I've never been a big doom fan though so I think it's going to take some time for it to grow on me. Whatever the third song in the set was called (Mirror something?) was probably the most enjoyable out of the new material for me. As Shane said, some recorded material for familiarity's sake would probably help too.
Sobrusion were pretty awesome, it was just a shame to hear confirmation that Jennifer has finally drowned.

ah, shit!

really liked Jennifer Will Drown -despite the emocore sounding name.

well, at least we still have Sobrusion and the Jennifer boys will go onto other bands too.

Besides lack of familiarity, how did everyone enjoy TM's new material?
Its a really interesting new direction you guys have taken. I think it could definitely work, but I'd be remiss if I didn't suggest maybe giving yourself a bit more time to settle into the new style, I'm still not sure you guys were totally comfortable with doomcore mode. Like I said though, I can definitely see you growing into it, and the material (as always) is of fucking excellent quality.

Great gig guys! New material sounds amazing and the PENTAGRAM and CANDLEMASS covers kicked major Tempe ass!!

SCREAM FOR ME TEMPE!! Major lolls.

Where are Sobrusion from?
Its a really interesting new direction you guys have taken. I think it could definitely work, but I'd be remiss if I didn't suggest maybe giving yourself a bit more time to settle into the new style, I'm still not sure you guys were totally comfortable with doomcore mode. Like I said though, I can definitely see you growing into it, and the material (as always) is of fucking excellent quality.

SCREAM FOR ME TEMPE!! Major lolls.

Where are Sobrusion from?
I guess thats your opinion Pete but i feel and i've heard the other guys say that they feel much more comfortable playing the new stuff then the material on The Last Horizon. This feels much more like us than the older material did. The simplicity and feeling of the new stuff allows us to enjoy ourselves a bit more on stage as well.:)