Wasn't a fan of the new stuff , i'll leave it there.
leave the hall immediately!!
Wasn't a fan of the new stuff , i'll leave it there.
No offence taken mate!Sorry man, I didn't mean to offend you, and like I say, its a cool new direction. Look forward to recordings!
leave the hall immediately!!
+1I rated the album as one of my favourite of all time
I totally understand peoples reaction to the new stuff but honestly, although it's a lot slower and darker, most of the elements that people liked about the older stuff are still there. There are still heaps of progressive parts and memorable melodies. In fact i think the new material is as progressive as anything on The Last Horizon.
Isn't progressive metal about progressing anyway? I'm personally into bands who don't release the same album over and over again and bands who keep surprising you with their new releases. Although some would disagree i always thought of us more as a progressive metal band than a power metal band with some prog influences so all we are really doing is trying new things as a progressive metal band.
At the end of the day we can only write music that we would want to hear and i really can't imagine having anything to add musically to the prog/power scene.
Despite all this we actually did consider changing the name for a while but decided against it.
It's good to hear your opinions anyway, good or bad.![]()
Album #3 guys please please please go Norwegian Black Metal! For me.haha![]()
I personally think it would not only be a backward step to change the band name but also it's a really good name in my opinion and one worth keeping.
Also who's to say in 2 years time they don't move on to another style or feel like incorporating some of their old trademarks back into the band? Nothing can be predicted.
A positive thing is that TM are showing everyone that they are not restricted to any one genre or able to not try anything they want.At the moment Doom is what is influencing them a lot but they can really make a name for themselves as a band who can do whatever they want and the fans who like bands that aren't predictable will stay with the band.I know personally that all the members listen to a very wide scope of types of music both in and out of Metal. Even the first album showed how varied the band is.No two songs on that are really the same and the first written "Into The Light" compared to the last "Beyond Remembrance" are very different indeed.They should just be called a melodic Metal band as those two elements i'm sure will always be there.
Album #3 guys please please please go Norwegian Black Metal! For me.haha![]()