M Metelian New Metal Member May 6, 2004 4 0 1 May 7, 2004 #1 Hi folks , could anyone be so kind and give me a translation of this : Maktiga gudar, i gyllene slaen. Hjalp mig i striden mot sondraparna, Den hoge skall For huggen hamnas och blod skall galdas i blod" thx anyway
Hi folks , could anyone be so kind and give me a translation of this : Maktiga gudar, i gyllene slaen. Hjalp mig i striden mot sondraparna, Den hoge skall For huggen hamnas och blod skall galdas i blod" thx anyway
Tranquillian Svartmetallist Oct 10, 2001 5,728 40 48 48 0220 May 7, 2004 #2 Again? Are you stupid or just trying to be funny? spaffe already replied in your old thread.
M Metelian New Metal Member May 6, 2004 4 0 1 May 7, 2004 #3 soz im dumb i know.. just didnt see the old thread but thx to spaffe anyway just fucked up day
Patric Member Nov 1, 2001 2,630 38 48 39 Disneyland May 8, 2004 #4 "pull your hood up and twist your hat crooked, oh boy you look stoopid"