Traveling Alone

Furious B

Aug 9, 2002
Hey good gents and scholars,

Been thinking a lot about this lately and it's definitely a goal of mine to accomplish and a little bit of a fear I want to overcome.

How many of you have traveled to a foreign country where you didn't speak the language ALONE, without any type of game plan? Just a blind adventure.

Anything to keep in mind? Bad idea jeans? Good times? What have your experiences been? Let's hear 'em.
Traveled to both Japan and China alone. Didn't speak the language of either country. Though I did have a pretty good idea of what to expect in Japan and had planned shit out. China on the other hand was just a complete adventure. Scary as all fuck arriving in the country with no money and then having my card declined everywhere I went for the first few hours I was there. I wouldn't trade that trip for anything though.
don't wear new Nike's in Ecuador on the bus. or have backup shoes in your backpack
I've been quite often on my own in countries whose language I did not speak (Scandinavia, Czech Republic, Spain, Northern Ireland), but I was always reasonably sure someone was going to understand me at least in one of the languages I speak or master to some extent. I've never been to Asia or to a weird exotic place populated by cannibals, so I'll be no big help for your adventure guide. But I know several people who've journeyed on their own to India (they speak English fluently), China or Thailand, and all of them reported a great experience.
Hey good gents and scholars,

Been thinking a lot about this lately and it's definitely a goal of mine to accomplish and a little bit of a fear I want to overcome.

How many of you have traveled to a foreign country where you didn't speak the language ALONE, without any type of game plan? Just a blind adventure.

Anything to keep in mind? Bad idea jeans? Good times? What have your experiences been? Let's hear 'em.

Do it, it's no problem. Europe would probably be the best bet though because if you go where you planned and don't like it it's easy to bop on over to another country. Just stay at a hostel or something dude and you'll be 'traveling alone' for about three seconds, unless you would like to stay alone the whole time in which case that's easy obviously, just don't meet people.

Or do something like this:

Or any of these:
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The closest I've come to it is being alone for 1 of my 2 weeks in Japan, without hostel bookings or a specific plan, just going where I felt like. It was one of the greatest feelings I've ever known.
That said, I flew over and spent the other week in Tokyo with a high school friend.

I recently met a woman who has been travelling alone pretty much for the past 12 years, all around the Americas, from one tip of the continent to the other, never paid taxes or held a steady job, just did what she had to do. I have always wanted to do this but have somehow got stuck in a rut. Is 27 too old to embark on an adventure like this?
its not the age, its the amount of bullshit you've tied yourself to

so if you don't have dogs, kids, mortgages, etc – just do it

I have deliberately avoided all of these things for just this reason. Car was paid off up front, no debt, no kids, no girlfriend (at the moment - this is one of the few things that actually holds me back)

The only thing stopping me is my dependence on my income and routines and friends :erk:
Do it. I haven't gone to somewhere where I didn't speak the language (unless Texas counts), but traveling alone rules. I did a decent amount of solo exploration in my early 20s, even when I was in a committed relationship a few times. I don't think I would be married today if I hadn't gone off wand'rin' a wee bit back then. Don't really feel the need to do so currently, but I look back at it as some of the most spiritually fulfilling things I've ever engaged myself upon.

haha, "solo exploration" wtf.
I have deliberately avoided all of these things for just this reason. Car was paid off up front, no debt, no kids, no girlfriend (at the moment - this is one of the few things that actually holds me back)

The only thing stopping me is my dependence on my income and routines and friends :erk:

The income thing is the only thing that's even a real issue man. Think about it, the Marine Corps goes on 7-9 month deployments, the Army goes on 12+ month deployments, both branches with barely any communication with the outside world (speaking for the Infantry here, POGs on some FOB obviously get the internet, phones, etc, but that's an entire different life), and they maintain friendships, 'routines', relationships, etc. when they come back. So going on an adventure for a little while, in civilization, with internet/mail/etc (ie: ways to instantly communicate with anywhere in the world)., other people around, not much risk to your life, etc. really isn't much of a big deal at all.

I mean com on, you have a freakin' cellphone and planes that can take you anywhere in the entire world in a day or so whenever you want them too, haha.
The income thing is the only thing that's even a real issue man. Think about it, the Marine Corps goes on 7-9 month deployments, the Army goes on 12+ month deployments, both branches with barely any communication with the outside world (speaking for the Infantry here, POGs on some FOB obviously get the internet, phones, etc, but that's an entire different life), and they maintain friendships, 'routines', relationships, etc. when they come back. So going on an adventure for a little while, in civilization, with internet/mail/etc (ie: ways to instantly communicate with anywhere in the world)., other people around, not much risk to your life, etc. really isn't much of a big deal at all.

I mean com on, you have a freakin' cellphone and planes that can take you anywhere in the entire world in a day or so whenever you want them too, haha.

Yeah, very good point. Time to just GTFO of here.
Thanks for the great responses!

I'm actually thinking South America for my travels. Specifically, Argentina and Chile.

Anyone have any experiences with South America?