do u go to concerts alone or with friends?

I went to Decapitated and friends at jaxx last night, first concert completely by myself.. I usually can't go anywhere by myself, but last night was great.

All the big shows I've ever attended were with my (now ex) boyfriend, who was a complete douchebag. He couldn't allow himself to have fun and bitched endlessly about every fucking band, or the crowd, or how I needed to talk to him more during the shows and stop talking to other people.

I met some new people, and found a friend who works at the club who got me backstage. I'm really shy, but I got the courage to introduce myself to Vogg from Decapitated- definitely one of the sweetest guys ever! Good times.. did anyone else go?
When I was in high school I always went with friends. These days, most of my friends either don't have the money, don't like metal or don't have the time so I rarely go to shows anymore. I have been to 2-3 shows alone and although it sucks in between sets, I'm usually glad I went.
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me if I go alone or with friends...
I know everyone at the club I go to, and I know people who go to the shows all the time so I love seeing them at shows and catch up...
Plus, I like going alone beause then I decide when to leave :Spin:

Ha! scenester!

I've gone to a couple of shows alone. When I first moved to the Bay Area, I didn't know anyone, so I went and say Morbid Angel/Deicide/Zyklon alone, and it rather ruled. You always end up chatting up with someone over a drink or a T shirt.

The beauty of metal shows is that you just have to make one offhand remark about a persons shirt, and you've instantly sparked some madness.

"Those guys rule! I saw em at the Meadowlands, summer '89, it was awesome!"

PS: Vogg's a cool dude. Probably cause he's so damn high all the time ;)
Ha! scenester!

I've gone to a couple of shows alone. When I first moved to the Bay Area, I didn't know anyone, so I went and say Morbid Angel/Deicide/Zyklon alone, and it rather ruled. You always end up chatting up with someone over a drink or a T shirt.

The beauty of metal shows is that you just have to make one offhand remark about a persons shirt, and you've instantly sparked some madness.

"Those guys rule! I saw em at the Meadowlands, summer '89, it was awesome!"

PS: Vogg's a cool dude. Probably cause he's so damn high all the time ;)

How was morbid angel???

How was zyklon???

P.S. do you know why Secthdaemon has tape on his bass? Did he break it?
I usually go with at least one friend. Luckily I have friends that are into metal and even the ones that aren't are open minded enough to check out new bands.

I've actually never been to a show by myself. I've had friends leave early and I ended up by myself, but there's always at least a few people I know at pretty much every show, so it's cool:)

Although when I'm seeing a band I love it doesn't matter if there's anyone else there because I'm all about the music.
Ha! scenester!

I've gone to a couple of shows alone. When I first moved to the Bay Area, I didn't know anyone, so I went and say Morbid Angel/Deicide/Zyklon alone, and it rather ruled. You always end up chatting up with someone over a drink or a T shirt.

The beauty of metal shows is that you just have to make one offhand remark about a persons shirt, and you've instantly sparked some madness.

"Those guys rule! I saw em at the Meadowlands, summer '89, it was awesome!"

PS: Vogg's a cool dude. Probably cause he's so damn high all the time ;)
DriftAlongLiquidSky said:
How was morbid angel???

How was zyklon???

P.S. do you know why Secthdaemon has tape on his bass? Did he break it?

this is a great example of how you would start talking to someone at a concert?
I go with my wife to shows and usually we meet all our friends there, or we're just by ourselves. I've seen just about every band I ever wanted to see at least twice except for Emperor. I think if you name the band then there's a 90% chance that I've seen them, so I've started to turn my attention to smaller, lesser known bands and local acts. It's gotten to the point now that I really don't want to go to concerts anymore because I've seen them all, LOL!
iD rather go by myself but then again im ot really a people person and like i sadi before i get to decide where i wanna stand and when i wanna get there. Usually i have to drive at least 2 hours to go see a good band cause i live in a small town so to me i just would prefer going bymyslef,besidses i have other metal freinds but there all into the more popular maetal like Godsmack and Rob Zombie.
