do u go to concerts alone or with friends?

if no one can/wants to go with me i usually end up not going. the cost/hastle of going to the city alone, paying all the tolls and parking and gas alone, finding your way there alone, standing around alone just demotivates me. id go to a show in Sac alone, but those are pretty rare, and everyone wants to go to a show thats only 20 min away! fuckin bastards.

Im in the same boat, usually all the good concerts are over an hour away by train.. and taking a train at night here is ...not a good idea.
MajestikMøøse;5552669 said:
I haven't been to a show in over a year.

The last one was Classical music.

I went alone.

They played Shostakovitch's two Piano Trios and some Tchaikovsky piece.

Do I rule or what?

True rulage.
I've been to a couple of shows on my own. No way is it worth missing a band just cuz you don't have any friends going. Chances are you'll always regret it if you don't go. Besides, most of the time bands are actually playing and therefore there isn't really an issue of you standing about on your own... you're quite likely to meet someone interesting anyway! Not to mention it can sometimes be cooler cuz the gig becomes more about you and the band, and not who's around you.
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me if I go alone or with friends...
I know everyone at the club I go to, and I know people who go to the shows all the time so I love seeing them at shows and catch up...
Plus, I like going alone beause then I decide when to leave :Spin:

Plus, most of my friends here are completelt grind-core people... if something is less than "omg death metal to the bonneenzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" they normally won't go haha :Spin:
thankfully my wifey is a good soldier...I moved away from all my metal buddies and she ends up getting dragged to all these shows now with me....she digs Nevermore and some other bands but a lot of times she just puts earplugs in and lets me enjoy myself.....I have returned the favor by taking her to see Tori Amos a few times, and that actually ended up to be quite a surprise for me to end up liking something so different from what I am used to
I used to always go alone. I went to probably 20 concerts alone. I found a friend here in my town that loves metal and recently we have been going to shows together. But I never hesitate to go anywhere alone. No one should.
I'd rather go alone than with somebody who doesn't want to be there. Guys who drag their unmetal girlfriends along annoy me, and you can usually see how miserable the chicks are.

hahaha!! I totallly see what you're saying :lol:
Although, its pretty cool that they come along to begin with.
Some chicks refuse to set a foot in a metal show, and before you know it: their bfs stop coming too... now thats what I call: L.A.M.E
I usually go alone...most of the people i know don't listen to metal...but i do meet people at concerts and talk to them.....Meet a black metal midget at one concert once...he really freaked me out...when he started to talk to me.
hahaha!! I totallly see what you're saying :lol:
Although, its pretty cool that they come along to begin with.
Some chicks refuse to set a foot in a metal show, and before you know it: their bfs stop coming too... now thats what I call: L.A.M.E

It's cool if they want to check it out, but if they know that metal shows aren't there thing, they shouldn't bother everybody else with their unmetalness. When my ex went to shitty shows I'd tell him to go by himself.
I don't mind being by myself at the shows, but going alone isn't fun for me. I want to share the experience, and its no good if I'm the only one who can bitch about a band I dislike :p
I do that anyway. I intend to be fully buzzed and color commentating at Blind Guardian, wallet willing.