Traveling Alone

None but I think Argentina and Chile are good choices. You should definitely avoid Peru, Bolivia and Colombia right now... except if you're into trunk rides and open-ended hostage holidays.

That friend I mentioned who traveled extensively through all of these places advises strongly that speaking at least some of the language is imperative. You will get into sticky situations which could be perilous if you don't know what people are saying.

One of her stories involved travelling in a bus through Colombia, the interior of the bus appeared to be all charred and blacked out. Suddenly, armed men board the bus, order everyone off and on to another bus. No explanation. She had to quickly grab her belongings and do as ordered, and was fine.

This is one among many stories of hers, and probably one of the duller ones. Great experiences, great pictures she has shown, and a hell of an attitude.

I asked her once "did you never fear death or injury in all the perilous places you've been?" and she simply smiled and asked why she should fear these things.
i think in Latin American countries you will encounter some trouble if you stray off the beaten path and are: ... alone, not latin or not Tully [/racistcommentoftheday]
I will have another shot at her :lol:

She moved to NYC last week to house sit for a friend for a few months, said come down to visit, probably will in July

Who is up for beers? I want to see if I'm as tall as lurch