Traveling to Sverige....


from the shadows...
Mar 30, 2002
Kansas City
All of you Swedes and I know you are lurking here...Just wondering if some of you can tell me what to do in these places and just well....anything at all. Feel free to write me anyting you please. Keep it in a cool manner thou....

I will be going to these cities/towns....

Muddus NP
Trelleborg and then over to Denmark.

That is just some of the places i will be heading off to. The rest is not settled. I wil be going to many many places out there, and I will be there for quite a while. I have friends in Goteborg, Stockhol,, and Uppsala.

If you know really really neat places to go to, let me know?! This thread is simply for Svenska usage...hehe:p

Tack sa mycket!
if you go to stockholm you have to visist sound pollution located in "gamla stan" (old town), it's a great recordshop. but otherwise it depends on what your intrerested in? culture, history, music, nature?
how come youre comming over here? are you studying swedish?

hate to be picky but your signature doesn't make sense :)
what's it supposed to say?

hursomhelst, hoppas att du får det trevligt när du kommer hit :D
Originally posted by spaffe
if you go to stockholm you have to visist sound pollution located in "gamla stan" (old town), it's a great recordshop. but otherwise it depends on what your intrerested in? culture, history, music, nature?
how come youre comming over here? are you studying swedish?

hate to be picky but your signature doesn't make sense :)
what's it supposed to say?

hursomhelst, hoppas att du får det trevligt när du kommer hit :D

Hej! Hur ar du, Spaffe?

you arent being picky with the Svenska. I have only been studying/learning since the summer and I have been slacking big time. My signature says....I will go to Sweden to fill my dream. I have to work on some grammar. Where do you live? I will be visiting friends, and just exploring. I have always wanted to come there. I have an obsession for your country....dont know why. So dont ask...haha :lol: I guess I can blame it on my friends from there and bands.

Tack sa mycket!
Originally posted by Scarlett1313
Hej! Hur ar du, Spaffe?

you arent being picky with the Svenska. I have only been studying/learning since the summer and I have been slacking big time. My signature says....I will go to Sweden to fill my dream. I have to work on some grammar. Where do you live? I will be visiting friends, and just exploring. I have always wanted to come there. I have an obsession for your country....dont know why. So dont ask...haha :lol: I guess I can blame it on my friends from there and bands.

Tack sa mycket!

jodå, jag mår bra :)

ah ok, well that's not a very long time, but hopefully you'll work hard and learn a good deal before summer ;) *feeling very grown up*.
hm... the phrase "I will go to Sweden to fill my dream" would be, in my opinion that is, "jag ska åka till sverigre för att uppfylla min dröm" :), but if you've learned something else from your teacher or whoever is teaching you, stick with that.

i live in the souther regions of sweden, in småland in a small town called tranås, but hey, we've got a webpage :lol: perhaps not a place for tourists to visit since there is absolutely nothing do here, even though the webpage of course is trying to fool you that this is a great place for tourists... hehe
i guess the music could be a good reason for beeing obsessed with our country since there are tons of good music beeing made here :grin:
ahhh thanks for the info, Spaffe. I sent you an email through here, I have no idea how it even works...if it even does.

I will go just about anywhere. I try not to consider myself a tourist, cus I like to know things that other tourists would not be interested in...if ya can catch what I mean? Thank you for the help on my sig. I will put that your way....which I am sure is the right way. I dont have a teacher, I am the teacher. Whenever one of my friends can help me from Sweden, he does.
hm... i have not recieved any e-mail, but feel free to e-mail me @

yeah i understand what you mean with you not beeig a tourist, i just couldn't think of any better word atm, perhaps "visitor" would be more appropriate? :)

oh, well are you any good at teaching yourself? ;) hehe seriously tho, it must be quite difficult to learn a language all by yourself