treehouse of horror


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
seriously, as if this time of year couldn't possibly be better, the simpsons generally come out with their ace episodes for halloween.

i mean even during the stinker seasons the halloween special can generally be counted on for hilarity.
"okay, who do i have to kill today?"
*marge simpson*
"oh no!!! anyone but her!!!"
*homer simpson*
"uhhh, what was that first one again?"
the halloween eps USED to be the pinnacle of each season

however lately they feel more like another subpar episode and lack that edge that made them so greatly looked forward to each year.
I can't say for certain if they still are the apex of each season's comedic quality, because each season is just a blur of snickers and tiny snorts

no more belly laughs from this jolly fat man
what really stinks, and what i noticed last night watching the I AM CLIN-TON halloween episode, is that the little jokes are gone now.

like when kang and kodos abduct homer, their abduction crane acts just like one of those stuffed animal grabber things that cost $0.50 and YOU NEVER FUCKING WIN. it's quick, it's subtle, it's over with. nowadays on the simpsons any small joke they make is ruined by being explained by marge/lisa/whoever.

even back like 10 seasons ago, when they would run a joke into the ground (DEAAAAAAAAATH!!!!! :tickled: ), they never held your hand through it. it's like they are currently living out that one episode where krusty hosts snl: it's the big ear family! "uh oh my ears are dirty, better clean 'em! eh?! eh?! *sigh* this goes on for 10 more minutes!"

but i digress, i'm looking forward to this year's halloween special as usual. :)
yes the style of comedy is the big thing now that makes it a stinker

explaining jokes is not funny.. sure more people will get the jokes, (well hopefully everyone will when its so blatant) but then what's funny about it anymore?

granted, I ALWAYS look forward to the treehouse of horror eps, upcoming years are no exception, regardless of the quality of the show in general.

plus we can always count on a kang and kodos appearance right? even though they've been relegated to just a tiny cameo lately....
god damn nad said:
what really stinks, and what i noticed last night watching the I AM CLIN-TON halloween episode, is that the little jokes are gone now.

like when kang and kodos abduct homer, their abduction crane acts just like one of those stuffed animal grabber things that cost $0.50 and YOU NEVER FUCKING WIN. it's quick, it's subtle, it's over with. nowadays on the simpsons any small joke they make is ruined by being explained by marge/lisa/whoever.

even back like 10 seasons ago, when they would run a joke into the ground (DEAAAAAAAAATH!!!!! :tickled: ), they never held your hand through it. it's like they are currently living out that one episode where krusty hosts snl: it's the big ear family! "uh oh my ears are dirty, better clean 'em! eh?! eh?! *sigh* this goes on for 10 more minutes!"
yes, i think with the ever-expanding fan base and increasing celebrity of the characters themselves they've dumbed down not only the dialogue and the characters but the little jokes like those, the very things that helped make the show so great

i don't watch new simpsons; i straight up don't like new simpsons episodes and when i watch i can't help but pick out every little thing i dislike