what really stinks, and what i noticed last night watching the I AM CLIN-TON halloween episode, is that the little jokes are gone now.
like when kang and kodos abduct homer, their abduction crane acts just like one of those stuffed animal grabber things that cost $0.50 and YOU NEVER FUCKING WIN. it's quick, it's subtle, it's over with. nowadays on the simpsons any small joke they make is ruined by being explained by marge/lisa/whoever.
even back like 10 seasons ago, when they would run a joke into the ground (DEAAAAAAAAATH!!!!!
), they never held your hand through it. it's like they are currently living out that one episode where krusty hosts snl: it's the big ear family! "uh oh my ears are dirty, better clean 'em! eh?! eh?! *sigh* this goes on for 10 more minutes!"