Tremelo Help

Dec 8, 2005
I own an Ibanez RG-220B, the body is great as well as everything else, except for the tremelo (Yes, it is parallel to the body). Whenever I use the whammy bar, it seems to sadly go out of tune even when I have the 3 locking nuts clamped down. Anyone know how to fix this?
I got a tip from someone to put the springs at a diagonal angle, I have 3 springs, and there are 5 holders (unhook the left spring, move it to the holder on the right, unhooke the right spring, move it to the holder on the left.
this is how it looked like before
S 1 S 1 S
now this is how it looks like now
1 S S S 1
(S = Where the spring is) (1 = Holder)
should I put it back to the way it was?
there can be many issues with this. First off, its the Low TRS bridge, which by itself is a piece of junk, and tends to go out even when properly setup just due to its poor design and quality.

A common issue are the knife edges, if there worn out, it will not go return to zero point when used. You can lubricate the joint by rubbing chapstick on your knife edges, and it will help. you can also try adding more springs, or arranging them in a V pattern /|\.

if it still doesnt work, you can look into parts like a tremsetter.

but frankly you'd be better off getting a tremol-no and locking into hardtail.
like I said Low TRS = bad bridge, I have one in my rg470 and it goes out of tune with major whammy tricks. A simple dive and return isn't to bad, but they still go out a few cents each time.
This is what the springs should look like to get the best tuning stability. (In my opinion at least.) Here's my crappy ASCII job.


\ = Low E/A spring
| = D/G spring
/ = B/High E spring
RobbM said:
like I said Low TRS = bad bridge, I have one in my rg470 and it goes out of tune with major whammy tricks. A simple dive and return isn't to bad, but they still go out a few cents each time.
Mine is a Licensed Floyd Rose. (Doesn't say Ibanez on it)
Where is the best place to order an OFR?



The socket for the tremelo arm is threaded if that helps...and how can I find the measurement of the locking nuts?
Yes, its a TRS, or an after market version of it, just as bad, theres really no difference eccept Ibby stamps it on the non arm hole side and one of the sides that pivots on the post is usually flat, yours is curved on both so I think its an aftermarket. also take note that the screws for the locking blocks go thru to the back, where the ibanez version there on top, which makes it a "lo" TRS.

Before spending the money to replace it, I would bring it to a tech, tell him your problems, and se if he can set it up better, that just might do the trick.
RobbM said:
Um, I think your getting the exact same tension, if you think about it. /|\ or
I don't think so. The fact that the outside springs are stretched farther would mean that there's more tension being applied to it, since the springs are pulling harder. The again, I still have yet to take Physics, so.... yeah.