Trend on concept albums...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
There seems to be such a rash of concept albums...and's a trend that has slowly grown for years. And I don't mean bands putting out concept albums...I'm talking about these projects that someone conceptualizes and draws together various vocalists, musicians, etc.

Aside from the obvious (like Avantasia), does anyone give any kudos to any of the other projects floating around out there? Does anyone have any feedback over some of the 2nd and 3rd tier, relatively unknown projects that seem to keep popping up?

Time to promote your obscure faves...
YtseJammer said:
AINA = Overrated (IMO)
I always have to laugh a bit when people call something "overrated". Since no two people like any given thing the exact same amount, wouldn't everything have to be either overrated or underrated?

If the poster is a fan of Avantasia CDs, chances are he'll enjoy the Aina CD much more than most Ayreon CDs.

OH, OH, OH, You need to check out MISSA MERCURIA . Terrific sound featuring the members of Vanden Plas, Pink Cream 69, and Silent Force . Their website also has longer samples to hear. The vocals are absolutely fantastic :cool:

Also of interest might be the FRAMESHIFT project. If you're in the mood for something intellectually "unique" check it out. It's not bad. Not as good as OSI but in the same league of "concept" albums.
General Zod said:
I always have to laugh a bit when people call something "overrated". Since no two people like any given thing the exact same amount, wouldn't everything have to be either overrated or underrated?

If the poster is a fan of Avantasia CDs, chances are he'll enjoy the Aina CD much more than most Ayreon CDs.

I stand by my comment, Aina is overrated.

That being said, I LOVE both Avantasia disks....and I much prefer Ayreon (Into the Electric Castle, for one) to Aina.
I personally think the Aina concept album drew more attention than it deserved simply based on the amount of great singers and musicians that appear on it. However, the album and concept are weak imo. My point is that I was expecting alot more considering the vast array of big names that contributed to its making.
The Human Equation, the new Ayreon album, is soooo great. It's my favorite with Electric Castle in a very close second. Or if you are looking for a more metal concept album by Arjen Luccasan try either the Star One album or The Universal Migrator part 2: Flight of the Migrator.

Star One felt kind of weak to me though... But to be fair I have only heard the live versions from the Star One DVD/Live CD package.
nightwish58 said:
I personally think the Aina concept album drew more attention than it deserved simply based on the amount of great singers and musicians that appear on it. However, the album and concept are weak imo.
I would agree with you that no new ground is broken in regard to the storyline. However, I do think the songs are very strong, as are all of the vocal performances. I enjoy this CD way more than either of the Avantasia discs (which aren't exactly creative in regard to the storyline either).

General Zod said:
I would agree with you that no new ground is broken in regard to the storyline. However, I do think the songs are very strong, as are all of the vocal performances. I enjoy this CD way more than either of the Avantasia discs (which aren't exactly creative in regard to the storyline either).

You know what, I probably should give it a few more spins before dismissing it so quickly. Maybe it's my fault for just expecting so much more. However, if you are saying you enjoy it more than Avantasia, there must be something there. I'll get back to this post this weekend after I have given it a couple more spins! list will be a bit different...

Liquid Tension Experiment
Scenes From A Memory
Nightfall In Middle-earth
The New Mythology Suite
Beethoven's Last Night

And of course, everyone's favorite:


As soon as it's recorded... heh heh heh.....
nightwish58 said:
You know what, I probably should give it a few more spins before dismissing it so quickly. Maybe it's my fault for just expecting so much more. However, if you are saying you enjoy it more than Avantasia, there must be something there. I'll get back to this post this weekend after I have given it a couple more spins!
Well, on one had, there have been a number of discs I dismissed from a single spin, only to revisit later and find that I really liked it. However, it's also possible we have very different tastes. I didn't even like the Avantasia CDs. Just thought they were plain dull. Anyway, let me know what you think after you spin it again.

nightwish58 said:
Get Danielle Liverani's Genius! Great album! And Part 2 just came out...

I was very disappointed with the "Genius" CD. I gave it away.

I give Danielle credit for taking on an ambitious project, but he sounds like an amatuer when compared to Arjen of Ayreon. I'd urge all musicians to be cautious about writing space epics unless you want to be compared to and think you can compete with Arjen.
The best concept CDs IMO have songs that can stand alone, but are still are essential to the storyline. Very few concept CDs acheive this. Instead, the songs on the disc usually sound very similar because they are too often just a slice of one big song and not a separate song with it's own character. Finding a concept CD with more than one or two songs that really stand out is rare for me.

Noticable exceptions (and my favorite concept CDs) are:

Iced Earth (the Dark Saga)
Jag Panzer (Thane to the Throne)
Ayreon (Flight of the Migrator, pt II)
Missa Mercuria
The Fiddler said:
The best concept CDs IMO have songs that can stand alone, but are still are essential to the storyline. Very few concept CDs acheive this. Instead, the songs on the disc usually sound very similar because they are too often just a slice of one big song and not a separate song with it's own character. Finding a concept CD with more than one or two songs that really stand out is rare for me.

Noticable exceptions (and my favorite concept CDs) are:

Iced Earth (the Dark Saga)
Jag Panzer (Thane to the Throne)
Ayreon (Flight of the Migrator, pt II)
Missa Mercuria

Yes! MISSA MERCURIA! Oh, and I agree with your comments too.
The Fiddler-

I thought the same thing after hearing Genius - 1. It was good I thought, but felt weak in some area's and could have been stronger.

The second one is much better I feel - the melodies stronger, heavier, and just better songwriting.

Hopefully the third continues the trend.

Russell Allen rocks on it too! \n/