Tribal Black Metal

Mort Divine

Shrine Maiden of the In-Crowd
Oct 28, 2005
Fargo, ND
A friend of mine is looking for a really specific and barely used aesthetic in black metal, essentially what is being looked for is black metal that embodies the raw beauty of nature, without the sorrowful approach that many bands take or without the "My forefathers ruled the forest" approach that happens so often in folk influenced black metal.

We've come across a few bands that make use of this element, but very sparingly.

The first instance where we've encountered it is in the song Cleansing by Wolves of the Throne Room.

Negura Bunget made use of it on their album Om but not to the full extent it could've been

and Njiqahdda had it going on to an extent but their ambient sections kind of ruined it. Were they more tribal like ambient bits it would be perfect.

So in a sense I'm looking for tribal ambient in metal form.
I don't think it's available for purchase anywhere but Metal Haven, but Blood of Martyrs - Ex Nihilo might be somewhat satisfying with it's ambient tracks and some of the metal tracks. It's really good regardless, so pick it up if possible. I think you can still get it from Metal Haven mail order. There were only 100 copies of the demo, so it might be hard to turn up on Soulseek.
i dont like tribal stuff in bm. it's just... weird and icky feeling. i dont like atmospheric bm either for the same reasons.

i just want bm to fuckin shred!
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but an album that I personally thought had a tribal feel was Mirror Of Vibrations by Odious. It's got an Egyptian/Middle-Eastern feel to it, which is why I'm not sure if it's exactly what you are asking for.