trigger rim shots?


I need a beer...
Apr 12, 2009
Hey guys!

I'm recording my friend's band and his drummer walked in with a total shit kit, i did my best to make it sound alright but ultimately i just decided i'd trigger the whole thing completely. Then he started a song with rim shots/side stick?... What do you recommend I do?

Automate drumagog to bypass during the rim shots and mix them in a separate track? Or would it be smarter to trigger the rim shots? (do people do this?) if so where can I find a good rim shot sample.

What do you think?
yeah man totally get a mic up on the rim and bang it on a seperate track. Rim shots all sound the same to me man, ultimatley make your sample if you wanna replace it.
yeah... i thought thats what they were called but the drummer called them rim shots...and i i searched on here for side stick mixing and didnt find anything helpful..i couldnt search for rim shots cause of the word rim being to i just wrote rim shots