Trigger vs. mics....


New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2002
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I read an interview with Vortex were he told about Nicholas' trigger use and stuff...what is really trigger? and how much trigger do Asgeir use? I read that Nicholas uses 70% trigger and 30% mics...
And do drummers use triggers live?
thanx:) :)
I don't use triggers. I've had a drum module for years but I've never got as far as buying the triggers...
A trigger is a little 'thing' (it's late and I don't find the right word for it) you mount on the drum head and it will sense when you hit the drum and how hard you hit it. You can adjust the sensitivity and sound on the sound module. A lot of black and death metal drummers use this system. It's really difficult to play with if you set it to high sensitivity because it will make even small shadow strokes as a hard hit. I'm more of a jazz/fusion drummer rather than a power or fast drummer so real drums is better for me.

- Asgeir
Wow! That is natural kick? Very impressive! I could tell its natural on Gods of my World but on the Genuine Pulse I thought it was triggered because it is very even volume. Excellent work!

EDIT: Stupid comp said it didn't post this.
Hmm....In some of the parts its a little hard to pick out the bass drum sometimes....kinda muddy with the guitar...Like before the chorus on The Presance Is Ominous, are those fast triplets on the bass drum?
I strongly dislike the triggered drums on "Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia". They are so harsh and cold. I know, this is exactly what they are supposed to sound like. But they dominate everything and as Asgeir said, all nuances are gone. I like a natural, more organic drum sound better. And hey, Asgeir, don't you ever completely switch to triggers! :) Nicholas' drums on PME give me a headache after some time.
Originally posted by asgeir
I'm more of a jazz/fusion drummer rather than a power or fast drummer so real drums is better for me.
Ha ha ha. As I read this, I was listening to "The genuine pulse" and the thought that you're claiming to effectively be a "slow" drummer just didn't match up with what's blasting out of my speakers... :)
Originally posted by Somber Soul
I strongly dislike the triggered drums on "Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia". They are so harsh and cold.
Bizarre. The were one of the things I liked most about it, and are a definite improvement over previous Dimmu Borgir albums. Like you say, they're *meant* to sound harsh, and I think they fit the atmosphere of the music perfectly. In fact, my only real complaint about PEM is that after making Vortex a full time member of the band, they didn't make more use of his vocal talents. "Kings of the carnival creation" is a masterpiece, though.
Originally posted by Tet
Ha ha ha. As I read this, I was listening to "The genuine pulse" and the thought that you're claiming to effectively be a "slow" drummer just didn't match up with what's blasting out of my speakers... :)

That's not what I consider fast. Listen to the FAST stuff that Morbid Angel, Satyricon, Mayhem, Cadaver Inc., Cryptopsy etc do and you'll know what I mean.

- Asgeir
Originally posted by asgeir
That's not what I consider fast. Listen to the FAST stuff that Morbid Angel, Satyricon, Mayhem, Cadaver Inc., Cryptopsy etc do and you'll know what I mean.
No, I know there are plenty of faster drummers in the extreme and black metal worlds. But if you look at the whole picture, you're not exactly slow. When some of my coworkers asked what sort of music I lstened to, I played them some Borknagar, and without exception, they all commented on the speed of the drumming...