Triggering Help


New Metal Member
Aug 1, 2006
Grand Rapids, MI
So we attempted to start tracking drums today for our new cd, and were using a roland kd-8 electronic drum pad for the kick, all other drums are acoustic. We are running that into a DM5 for triggering, but when he gets going with double bass, its starts mis-triggering. Any one got any suggestions as to what to do? I've tried using the demo of drumagog, but that still seemed to mis fire when using double bass. I'm thinking about switching to an acoustic kick drum.
DM5 sucks with pads. If you still want use it, record the midi out. The editing will be much easier later. I'm also sure that Drumagog will trigger the pad signal many times better than DM5.

I would still use the acousting kick if possible.
I think i'm going to have him set up his full double kick kit, and trigger each one of the bass drums separately with a ddrum kick trigger. I think that the roland kd-8 pad isnt good for a double bass pedal.
Daunt said:
DM5 sucks with pads. If you still want use it, record the midi out. The editing will be much easier later. I'm also sure that Drumagog will trigger the pad signal many times better than DM5.

I would still use the acousting kick if possible.

+1 for sure record the midi out. use the DM5 only for monitoring purposes. it needs a bungload of tweaking if you want it to sound right w/ crosstalk etc, varies from drummer to drummer, drumset to drumset etc.
how exactly do i set that up? i'm not to familiar with using midi for triggering. I've got a digi001, and a few midi cables laying around. I'm still going to be using the roland kd-8 electronic bass drum pad with a double bass pedal and all acoustic toms/cymbals/and snare. Your help is appreciated.
damage04 said:
how exactly do i set that up? i'm not to familiar with using midi for triggering. I've got a digi001, and a few midi cables laying around. I'm still going to be using the roland kd-8 electronic bass drum pad with a double bass pedal and all acoustic toms/cymbals/and snare. Your help is appreciated.

In Pro Tools, set up a new midi track and a new audio track. Send 1/4" cable from the DM5 (either the headphone output or any of the back outputs) into the new audio track. You can both record and monitor the DM5 sounds, even though you won't be using them for anything more than reference.

Now just plug your midi cord from the DM5 midi out into the 001 midi in and you can record the midi into PT. You probably want the midi track in PT set to all input channels.

If you record, you should be able to get a scratch audio track (mistriggers and all) into the audio track. And your midi track should record all your DM5 hits.

Once you've recorded everything, you can edit and quantize the midi hits to your taste (man, old school analog guys tend to hate this shit, haha losers).

Now just go ahead and connect your 001's mid out to the dm5's midi in and hit play. Your DM5 should play your 'fixed' midi track and you can record that.

Or, if you've got drumagog or DKFH, I'd recommend looking into other samples than the dm5's though. HTH. It's really not that difficult.

edit: in fact, i'd just record the trigger signal analog into PT (to replace with drumagog later) and use a splitter to send the signal to the dm5 for monitoring.
thanks alot for the help. I dont plan on using drumagog since i dont have the full version of it, and i dont intend on paying for it because i wasnt all that impressed with it. I like sound replacer better but my 15 day trial has long since expired.

Now what if i want to just record the trigger buzz to a track and go in and use the dm5 later to replace the hits? how would i go about setting that up? thanks for all the help.

the midi idea didnt really work. It still skips when playing fast double bass because its going throught he dm 5 so if it the dm5 skips, the midi notes are going to skip also. I think i'm just going to have to keep dicking with it to get it to work right unless i'm missing something.