Triggering kick from audio - Clip inside


Apr 17, 2009
So the guy that was supposed to trigger this mic'd it up to the skin and expected me to extract MIDI.

Here's a clip for trigger.wav

I've tried using variAudio in cubase 5 with no success, it doesn't map them..even after filtering and compression to try and get the kick peaks.

The recording engineer said he was going to do this but he's been really lazy in getting back and i've got a deadline to work towards. Any tips/ideas on how I can go about extracting the kick as midi?
There's so many bleed on this take ! :zombie:
I would use a LPF, a transient designer to bring back a bit the attack and kill the sustain, and then Slate Trigger to trigger/convert to midi.
I can't listen to the clip at the moment, but if bleed is a big problem I would say:

- Low-pass it like crazy
- Boost the crap out of the 'thud' (really narrow)
- Gate it to within an inch of it's life - really fast attack, really fast release.

However much bleed there is, the low-end is normally still the kicks domain, so it's easier to make the 'thuds' stick out than the 'clicks'. You just need peaks, it's doesn't matter where they are - so you can stick a really fast gate on it so you just get short, low frequency blips, then run the output of that into whatever you want to convert it to midi. Just make sure you check the attack (so you're getting the transient at the same point as it sounds normally - sometimes the peak of the low-end can lag behind), and on any fast double bass sections check you're getting all the hits as the low-end can sometimes blur them out.

I ended up helping out Loco with this. Sharp HPF at 120hz and then some SPL attacker got good peaks for the kick. After that it was just a little bit of editing to get rid of the odd floor tom peak. Just gotta get the tempo tracks so that drumtracker can spit out the midi file.
Try this: Peak EQ, high Q factor, loads of gain. Find the resonant peak of the kick. Add a gate or expander to isolate the now really peaky signal. Add a trim plugin after to bring it back below zero db. Then use that signal to trigger your kick samples.
I'd say gate/compress but damn that snare is loud!!

your best bet is to go in an edit out the snare hits...

how the fuck did he get such a clear snare signal from the kick.... TIT!! i suggest you throw him a beating once this has been sorted...
Listening to it I assume he's mic'd the kick from the batter side, but come in from the floor tom side, so the kick mic is facing the bottom of the snare.