Triggered drums will never get you the "feel" of the drummer and his kit. It's the small imperfections in the playing that make or break a drum sound.
I rarely use triggers anymore. I've found that most of the replacement plugins add some ms of latency which is a bitch. Sometimes I'll layer a kick or some toms when they sound absolutely horrible but never replace 100%
triggered kick/toms will still get you the imperfections, especially with multisamples. but let's face it, when doing metal you very often try to get toms and kick sound punchy and clear, and it's much easier to get to that point with samples. that's why we sample replace in the first place!
besides, you still get different velocities and timing errors, it's not like triggering automatically means everything 100% and in time.
drum replacement latency, try a different plugin!
besides, you can save yourself a lot of pain if you're replacing stuff based on a trigger signal. less bleed, clearer transients. especially tom rolls are often barely more than an undefined flurry if notes, even more so with subpar drummers and micing.
obviously, it depends a lot on the music. some stuff just calls for natural drums, and well played high quality drums miced up well sound badass, no question about that. but how often do we get that kind of luxury?