Trilian late?


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Is it just me or is Trilian late? I don't mean plug-in latency. The way I grid align things is to push the pick attack in front of the grid so that the large part of the transient is on the grid which in turn lines up with kicks etc. Trilian puts the first part of the sample on the grid which is of course the pick attack which makes it late with everything else if aligned the way I mentioned. I find my self dragging the plug-in forward a little to align the peak of the transient.

Perhaps it’s my interpretation of how to quantize things.

I have noticed the some others samples in Trilian are also a little late.
this is probably not the same thing but i find that i have to delay the midi track feeding trillian the amount of milliseconds my output latency is set at other wise it ends up a good bit early