Sorry you can't make it Rick! However, congrats on the marriage bro!! Sounds like a sweet deal!
Cool new banner hehehe.
Good day to all you cruising rock-people!
Since we have been extended the honor of joining
this awesome event, we will do our best to keep all
those interested in what his happening within the JOP
camp. It's so great to have so many Oliva/JOP fans already
onboard to set sail. We will continue to work on the rest of
them to get their cabins booked asap!
The 4th JOP CD titled "Festival"
will be released worldwide via AFM records on February 19th.
We are in the final week of tracking and will begin mixing the new record
the week of thanksgiving. We will post some new tunes
just as soon as physically and legally possible.
JOP will also shoot it's first live DVD during our upcoming
European tour in Europe. Plenty of Savatage classics will of course
be apart of this and every show...especially the cruise. We hope to
have the DVD edited and maybe even be able to debut it live on the cruise....if the promoter is ok with that....
For further details and for all things JOP...please visit us
Thanks again to Beth and all of you...
If the cost of the cabin was 700 for the trip, it is possible with three people. Unfortunately, the cost of the cabin is 700 per person, no matter how many people stay in it.
I know this is cruise shit policy. It just sucks. Two or three of us could swing it if the cost of the cabin was really the cost of the cabin.
Evergrey and Pagan's are my two favorite groups. Call a waaaambulance
My wife and I just did the ShipRocked cruise with Queensryche and others a few weeks ago and smoking was very easy to avoid. It was absolutely forbidden in the main theater (as were ALL drinks). Smoking was actually disallowed on most areas of the ship. You should check with Carnival to see what their smoking policy is. This is something that really is not even in Beth's control.Hey, Beth - this might be a stupid question, but what is the situation with smoking on the ship? I have an autoimmune condition that can be aggravated by exposure to second-hand smoke, and I would have a hard time if all the enclosed places on the ship were filled with smoke!
I know it's almost impossible to keep the band members from lighting up in a situation like that...but when that happens, everyone else seems to follow suit.
Adding SHADOW GALLERY to an already loaded roster is making this reaaaaalllly tempting for me!
You should check with Carnival to see what their smoking policy is. This is something that really is not even in Beth's control.
Will do - my concern was that for an event like this, things might end up being more *lax* than the cruise line's normal policy.
Hope y'all had a blast
On monday I will look into the exact policy but it is a safe bet it is on if you want to look it up sooner.
I actually was threatened to be kicked out of the casino for profanity.
The line didn't give anyone any breaks and I actually was threatened to be kicked out of the casino for profanity. (Duh! A losing hand will cause my to curse!)