trivia question.....

Originally posted by Gaunerin
now......does this help anyone??

btw....k-mak: what's that secret sector 7G you're one of the finest men of?

I don't know if it helps or not. :p

7G...ever seen The Simpsons? Homer works at sector 7G. :)

"Smithers, who was that corpse?"
"Homer Simpson, of the finest men in sector 7G."

Or something like that from an episode where Homer fakes his own death. :grin:
hm, well..yes I do know The Simpsons. Don't like them too much though. I would have never known Homer works in sector 7G. Thanx for clearing that up. I was hoping for a more mysterious (or whatever) reason for your sig. Then again, you are k-mak....what did I expect? :p :grin: j/k
Originally posted by Gauny
I would have never known Homer works in sector 7G. Thanx for clearing that up.

How have you managed this far without knowing that? :grin:

Originally posted by Gauny
I was hoping for a more mysterious (or whatever) reason for your sig. Then again, you are k-mak....what did I expect? :p :grin: j/k

Something beer-related maybe? :p ;)