trivium - pull harder

Hey! I like that song...

Seriously though, where is this "hate" towards this band coming from? are they really huge in the states? became too huge, sold out?

Just curious, i like most of what i've heard of this band...
Hmm, now that you mention it, it does seem like my coat has been making an awful lot of wands that look strangely like really-stretched-out BWP covers...

Seriously, Trivium has got to be the least worst of the stuff that's been coming out lately. I think the bashing's been taken a wee bit too far - it's far from proportionate to what should be done about the people who still comb their hair over one eye and whine about not getting laid. I do have to wonder, however, what this guy might make of something off of Once Was Not... no, you can pull anything you want out of that, not really worth it.

i think people resent how popular trivium got so quickly. they're obviously talented and people want to write them off as some metalcore band (eventhough they are more thrash than metalcore).

i'm not really that into them, but they can shred and they have some cool riffs.
As much as i dislike them - and as much as the rip metallica and machine head - they were'nt over night sucesses - they are currently recording their third album. And I guess if Giz Butt thinks they can really play they must really be able to play as he the man.

Still think they blow though, and they are too much much of a done thing. But then again I like madonna so what do I know. :erk:
Buahahah see at 2:07
"let dual guitar solos to scandinavians and iron maiden...
yuo are a disgrace to metal... not to mention almost as gay as avenged sevenfold.. well almost as gay.. "
the guy was a little heavy on them eheheh
They're not the best metal band in the world but I think there are a lot of worse bands in this world.
Crazy fuckin Video... %)
Well, I think they can really play their instruments. The bass player is a nice guy but the singer is a little bit over the top...
Whatever, imo there's no need for a band like them.
I don't like the whiny kind of clean voice, if you're going to do clean vocals do them like METAL fucking clean vocals - Strid or Dane, not a goddamn poppy wimp.

I still can't get past the 'BOAT! RUDDER!' and 'Makes these wands out of OPETH!'. They can play pretty well (and are tighter live than a certain other band that they happened to be touring with... but I won't name them because I think they're just goofy) and if they get better lyrics and vocals they'll probably be able to do some much cooler stuff.
