Trouble finding Enchant CD's?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Douglas A Ott
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Douglas A Ott


I keep hearing people saying that they are having trouble finding Enchant CD's in the this true? We should be in all the stores and if we are not then we need to talk to our distributer and get some answers! Not every recrord store will stock every CD from every band that makes a CD, that would be impossible! But here is what you have them order some copies! Don't be afraid to ask your local shop to order the CD's of you favorite bands. If you don't ask, they won't know anybody is interested and will probably overlook a smaller band, like Enchant for instance, and not carry thier product. It's the squeaky wheel that get's oiled first!

So do us and other Enchant fans a favor and ask your local record store to order some copies of the CD's you are having trouble finding. That way you get what you want and maybe someone else will have an easier time when they go looking for an Enchant disc in the future.

Let us know if you can't find something and we may be able to help you acquire what you are looking for.

Try or as well if you are into online orders.



Hi Doug , I live in São Paulo- Brazil and so far, i'm unable to find Blink in any stores(i'm also looking for the blueprint reissue).
I bought all others in local stores, and i have requested Blink in my fave shop a couple of times, they always say they can't promise they'll get it, so...i'm waiting :-)
Unfortunately i don't buy stuff online...

Hi dudes,

I live in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil and I couldnt find any of the special version of the old cds and the new cd either.
My store is trying to get them from europe but cant tell me a date or month when them will arrive.

Demorest: Maybe we should move to another country to get the cds! ;)


Hi Sevlar

Where are u trying to get it, from Hard'n'Heavy?
I'm asking cause i was in rio a week ago and i couldn't believe the prices they charge for everything ; too much expensive dude !
I was able to find all Enchant cd's in the past, but now with our economy unstable ,stores don't want to spend much with imports.. I'm gonna wait just one more month and maybe i'll buy it from

Doug said it best

The squeaky wheel is the one that will eventually get the attention!

Hey I just went to Tower Records in our home Town " Concord" California and told the buyer to stock us up?

She had no idea of Enchant because no one has asked?

So everyone don,t be afraid to ask!

If you live somewhere where it is so hard to obtain the disc's then let us know!

Thanks Ed


I tried several stores, but like you already said, the economic instability is prejudicing us all!

by the way, if you order from Cd Now you will have to pay the taxes, wont you? I think it is 60% of the Income price.

EP: You can be sure that every salesman here in my city knows you all now! ;)

I tried to special order a copy from Barnes&Noble last week in the Mall Of America..and its not in yet. I do have all of Blink on mp3, but I really want to get the Special editon..I was at NEARFEST and was a little down about not getting it signed, but I fig if Enchant tours again that could be another chance. I'm wondering is the only place the special editon sold is on the I/O website?..wondering if Ken Golden has it...I also want to get the BluePrint and Wounded Remasters, wonder if those are available in stores too. I have a gift certificate at B&N right now from my birthday I never used.

btw- I played Monday on friday night on my radio I LOVE the new album!

I ordered it from Dave Mulloy
runs the site, and I can only praise his prompt and honest service. I dont know if he has the IOMA version now, but about three weeks ago when I ordered the CD,
he was selling the imported IO copy for a fair $18. His
email address is, because his website has been down recently.
Thought I would let you all know I have the Digibook Ltd Ed in stock at my store as well if you're interested, for a fair price too ($13.99). I'll be getting (hopefully) the other titles from Enchant in as well. Thanks!

By the way, Blink of an Eye kicks butt! One of a kind band.