TROUBLE shows this weekend


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Yep, TROUBLE's playing again..
(Shocking isn't it??? :lol:)

Still, not complaining...

Anyone going???

Fri @ Doug's American Bar and Grill (Aurora)
Sat @ Nite Caps (Chicago)

Not sure which one I will be attending....
I am working on dragging Britt ( The Invisible Guest ) to the Aurora show. Trouble and Icarus Witch make for a good double bill.

Anyone been to Doug's? What is it like? Hopefully, they'll get a decent turnout.

Wouldn't it be mad keen if they did Truth Is - What Is this weekend? I would love to hear that one, especially for that heavy-ass breakdown during...

"Close your eyes, look into your mind
See yourself as you really are

Oh yeahz, that would be so choice. :headbang:

Also, it would be nice if they would do some other tracks off Simple Mind Condition that we haven't already seen and heard (since 2003). :heh:

Some adequate stage lighting would be nifty, too. I haven't been to Doug's yet either. Is it the old Rockhouse location? If so, at least I'll know how to get there!
I have no clue where this club is!!!!
They are indeed playing more SMC tracks, now that the album is apparently released officially in the states...
I'll prolly pass on both shows. I already have plans for Saturday and even if I say I'll go Friday chances are it won't happen.
No, it's cool....
I don't do taxes....
I am still here at work though because it is month end (and quarter end) close.....

So yes, still due to accounting mumbo jumbo!! :)
I'd imagine it probably gets quite monotonous being a bean counter. Same stuff every quarter, or year, ad naus... All business is like that though, really. Who likes to work?

"Workin' for a livin' (workin')"

Who did that tune, was it Huey Lewis and the News? Or maybe one of Brandmeier's famous parodies. Nah, that would probably be the Rundgren parody I'm thinking about.

"I don't want to work I just want to bang on the drum all day"

Remember the "Shove It Line"?! :lol:

There's gotta be more to this life than slavin' away to pile up beans we can't take with us when shuffle off...

Hope you can get away for some Doooom Dancing this weekend!
A decent hometown turnout in Aurora last night. Doug's American Grill and Bar is fairly similar to Rockhouse - a homey kind of 'burb club. I don't have the exact square footage specs but it seems to be a wee bit bigger than Rockhouse. It's in a strip mall vs the free-standing ex-Rockhouse building. Perhaps the layout of the interior is what makes it seem larger to me. The stage seems to be bigger too, but perhaps it's because there is free access to 3 sides of it vs the brick wall and fireplace where the old Rockhouse stage was crammed in the corner. I didn't see any duct tape fungus either, so that a good sign. :loco:

I ran into an ex-coworker, Jasonic (who pointed out The Invisible Guest and Mr. Kashchei) and Scott Davidson, who got there just in time to miss the set, which was this...

The Sleeper
Come Touch The Sky
Plastic Green Head
The Eye
(jam thing)
Goin' Home
Mr. White
Simple Mind Condition
Run To The Light
At The End Of My Daze
'scuze me
Psychotic Reaction
The Tempter
Bastards Will Pay
All Is Forgiven

That should be most it anyway. We didn't get Truth Is - What Is but as you can see we got more new ones :tickled: and some tasty picks from Manic Frustration. Eric's son was in the house again. This time he got to exercise his vocal cords along with his dad on stage and I must say, either that mic got turned waaay up or that boy has some wicked pipes. I really couldn't tell whether he was having mic trouble at first or just holding back before unleashing that last bit, which from where I was standing was very loud and very clear. Holy shit!

Icarus Witch was pretty good too. Cool show! :kickass::kickass:
By "Rockhouse" I'm assuming you mean Riley's? Sorry, I just got back from the airport and it's to damn early.

glad to hear the show was a good time.
Thanks for posting the set list so I don't have to do it from memory!!

Amazing setlist. Glad to see it change up a lot, since this was the 4th time I have seen them in 12 months.

Nice turnout as well. I got there in the middle of Icarus Witch.
Very impressive US Trad Metal right there.
I will be seeking out their discs soon.

Great to hear so many songs from Manic Frustration, and Run To The Light made the night!

It was great to meet Britt (Invisible Guest) and Pat (Mr Kashcehi) as well.

Doug's is a cool little club. I know Belladonna is coming there.
Would be cool to see more gigs there.
Hey ... all told it was an enjoyable show. It seemed like it would never get started, but once it did it was a lot of fun. There was a little bit of a late start so Icarus Witch got cut a couple songs. They were pretty good from what I could tell, but with the short list they never really got a chance to pull the crowd in.

Trouble was good ... I don't know very much of their material, but they were able to hold my attention well. It was funny watching the singer, Eric. He must have puffed his way thru a pack of smokes, and his rockstar meltdown at the beginning of the show was something to see. He sure didn't like that mic stand ;)

It was nice to meet Rebecca, and Jason as well. All in all a fun evening. We didn't get back to our homes until around 4AM ... actually just woke up an hour or so ago.

Had a great time at the show last night. It was actually my first Trouble show and I've been into them for about 15 or 16 years. ( It's just never worked out going to see them ) I enjoyed the setlist thoroughly. Extremely suprised about getting to hear four songs from Manic Frustration. IW was excellent as well . Like Britt, I was disapointed by their set getting cut short. Nice guys to talk to. Sounds like they plan on coming back in August.

Doug's was a pretty cool place. Would definitely go back in the future. Hope the sound guys have their shit together better in the future. I don't know all the circumstances but the they were still setting up the soundboard at 8:00 when Britt and I first got to the show. The show was supposed to start at 9:00.

For those from the area, Britt and I also had dinner at a place of some historical significance. We ate at the Mexican joint that once housed Riley's Rockhouse. Very nice place (totally remodeled). Good food too. I saw several great shows there over the years.

Anyway, it was great getting to meet Jason and Rebecca and catching up with some other folks. I am sure we'll see you guys again soon.

Jose: Yep, we're talking Aurora here so to clarify, the old Malo's Rock Studio, aka Riley's Rockhouse, aka Rockhouse USA. I don't know if it had another name before Malo's. We just called it Malo's back then. Got to see Megadeth (Dave, Dave Jr, Chris, Gar) there once in 1986. That was a good one. :kickass:

Jason: No problem. I was a nerd this time and wrote down what they played. :^) Not sure if that jam intro to Goin' Home has a name or not. If they drop in bits of other songs into things like that I can't always keep track of everything. ;) The setlist was pretty good. Hard to go wrong with Trouble sets if you're a die-hard fan. When they played at Legends last year I was hoping for more RTL and MF stuff. They still need to add more RTL tracks. We didn't get Fear from MF this time which is always a pleaser for me, but Mr. White is still tasty.

Thanks for pointing out the other board members Britt and Pat.

Britt and Pat: Nice touch going to the old Rockhouse USA for food. :) I almost ended up in that area after crossing over the river on the first drive by of the new location on Indian Trail. Ooops! I should have zoomed a few more clicks for the map I printed. After backtracking and pulling over to look at building numbers I finally found the place - the one with all the cars in front of it! ;) Got inside at about 10:15 thinking I'd missed Icarus Witch but I'm glad I didn't miss them. Sorry I didn't chat more with you guys. I may have seen one or both of you at other shows before. Glad you made it out and back home safely. :)