TROUBLE gigs in Chicago next weekend

is there a demand for a Plague re-union??? I saw them open for Murphy's Law many many years ago....who booked that show had really no clue.

No, I am sure there is NO demand for a Plague reunion.
I was just curious.
They did not end up playing.

Heaven & Hell were decent. In all honesty, it got old VERY quick.
There is a certain mindset you need to be in to watch a cover band.
Musically, they were very tight. The vocalist though was a bit weak in all honesty.

Next was D-Connect. They are about 10 years too late. Seeing 40 year old men saying "fuck you" in every song and between every song got annoying quick.

Trouble played a solid set. They had a little trouble (no pun intended) in the beginning with timing and sound. Wagner had to be stoned off his mind, and even took a few "hits" right on stage! They played a great mix of both their doom and psychedelic material. I would post the setlist though I am not sure how many people here would care in all honesty.

Very interesting crowd. I am 32, and was probably the youngest person in the crowd.

I did see Rob and Chris at the beginning. Rob was representin' the cause with some slick Powerfest postcards.
Very interesting crowd. I am 32, and was probably the youngest person in the crowd.

I would have been, had I been able to/decided to show up... But I'm still holding out for Solitude Aeturnus and Novembers Doom to take my... Doomginity? Virginidoom? Virdoomity? whatever. :rock:
I'm glad there was a good turnout on Saturday!

The attendance for the show last night at Nellie's was uhmm, pretty meager, not even enough to warrant opening the balcony. That's too bad. IMO they deserve more respect. ;) Don't misunderstand though, they still have a faithful core following here.

The show was dedicated to Barry Stern. The crowd was a mix of older and younger... I hope they're getting good turn out at the out-of-state and foreign shows. I didn't keep a set list but they did do Plastic Green Head, Bastards Will Pay, The Tempter and Pray for the Dead (have some video footage of that), a couple new ones, et al. Their new CD isn't available yet, which bummed me out because I thought we'd be able to get that at the show. They had a some vids and shirts. I grabbed one of the girlie tops.

Nellie's April marquee:
I considered going last night, but other things came up.

I was bummed about the new CD getting delayed, but was thrilled to pick up the DEMOS and RARITIES CD at a non-eBAY price.
Here is a crappy cell phone pic...