papaloidflook said:
is it true that Mikael's songwriting approach is to fuck about on the piano and discover fucked up chords and chord sequences and then he plays em on the guitar.....

if this is true....what genre of piano playing would his fit into....u know what i mean....theres so many different styles...baroque...renaissance...jazz...etc...
and what about his solo's......what is his technique or recipe for an interesting and energizing and orgasmic solo.....

chop chop u forum chiefs i need answers and i need em faaaaaaaaaaaast....i'll call the police if u dont answer....haha....9....9......9

Is it true that your attempts to be funny are completely and utterly fucking gay? Why do people feel the need to come on here with this sort of horseshit? If you could please stop fucking your boyfriend for 2 minutes and go get a .45, insert it into your mouth, and fucking spray your brain matter on the wall behind you, that would just be dandy, you goddamn moron.