True love?


Dec 13, 2001
Northen Sweden

Have met this girls, and we have been dating for like a month now, i really enjoy spending time with her, 1 month isnt that much at all, but i cant help feel so damn much for her, its not just this feeling when u met some new person in life, in some way it feels like we have been friends and more for such a long time.

About love, partners, true love and all that, does it excist for u guys ? take my parents for example, they have been togheter since they were 17 or something, and they are still in love with each other.. they are 50-> something today.

partners, is it something we all need? or does the love from friends and others do it ?

What kinda love is the best one, from a partner, sister, brother, mom, dad, dog, cat ?

Thats something i´ve notcied a couple of days ago to, got in this argument about animals and feelings, he kept saying that animals dont feel, i have to say that they do, or do they, what u think ?

ohwell, i should shut up now.. take a "snus" and relax to some opeth or something ;)
True love exist for me, but is anathema in my mind. I had already gave up before i met my beloved Maria, and all my expectation of loving and being loved by someone where little compared to the glorious 2 months 19 days i lived. However destiny is not my best friend, and my attempts to build my own destiny are in vain all the time, and i doubt i have what it takes im trapped in a position when no one can love me and not run away because of the painful existance i drag them into. By this point i am fine with who i am and i have learned to endure and in endurance grow strong, but it seems like my advance is so slow it could as well take me another 20 years before i can mantain a serious relationship without tearing it apart. But you should not doubt it exist, what you should doubt is that you could be in my same situation because is rather..strange. My advice to you is to enjoy every single second with this girl you like, do not fear and if you do, dont let that fear take over yourlife.
Some things we are not supose to know, they just happen. Allow the feeling to set in and enjoy it. Relationships go up and down, as does life. Just let things fall into place and fate will allow you to see if it is true love or just a fling. Heed this advice guys hate it when you bring up the relationships (GIRLS LOVE IT,WHY???), build on it and let them come to you.
I have been dating my boyfriend for five years and I'm only 19, when I go to shows I have atleast a few guys come up to me and ask me out or whatever with out even knowing me, they just look at my physcial apperance. If you have found someone who looks into you for who you are, treasure that. I'm being hypocrictcal because my boyfriend isn't excatly what I want, he's just like most guys. Just have fun and observe.
Sinner Rider said:
Some things we are not supose to know, they just happen. Allow the feeling to set in and enjoy it. Relationships go up and down, as does life. Just let things fall into place and fate will allow you to see if it is true love or just a fling. Heed this advice guys hate it when you bring up the relationships (GIRLS LOVE IT,WHY???), build on it and let them come to you.
I have been dating my boyfriend for five years and I'm only 19, when I go to shows I have atleast a few guys come up to me and ask me out or whatever with out even knowing me, they just look at my physcial apperance. If you have found someone who looks into you for who you are, treasure that. I'm being hypocrictcal because my boyfriend isn't excatly what I want, he's just like most guys. Just have fun and observe.

What the fuck. If he's not what you want...why the fuck are you dragging him into a lie? To be dating for 5 years with someone you don't even love is bullshit.

goddamn, I hate women. :hotjump: Fuck the double standard!
What the fuck? This is a fucking Opeth-forum. My god. No, we don't have girlfriends, no we don't have friends, no we don't have lives. Leave me alone with my bats, I'm eating one now.
Yeah, Im sorry, I really couldn't answer that question, because I have no life besides my guitar, my music, and my computer. But, I do think that we can meet a person that we can get along with the best, and that is probably what most people define as love.
Eh a month, a month is nothing. I've had crazy amounts of emotion for two girls in the past year, both times it really hurt when it was done with, but one of them means nothing to me anymore, and I totally though she'd be someone signifcant in my life for a while, and the other, well I just don't think about her, though I wouldn't mind having her in my life in the far off future. What am I getting at? Oh yeah, emotions change, and change fast, so don't get to excited yet, just take it as it comes.

As for animals having emotions. Of course they do! The evidence behind it is massive. There have been many cases where chimpanzees have become depressed for various reasons, and anyone who's ever had a cat or dog knows that animals have emotions.People just like to pretend animals don't have emotions to seperate themselves from them, although we are just another animal.
How old are you, in the first place? I've got to know because if you're not 25 yet, you're too young to be in a serious relationship. If you've only been dating a month, you shouldn't be feeling like this so early in the game. Have fun! Date several women at once. Chase skirt! You'll have your whole life to be serious, believe me and if you die before then, at least you'll go out with a smile on your face that will be plastered on because you're so well laid! :D

The only "true love" that can be felt is the love of a parent for their child (or children). All other love felt for another is conditional. "I love you, but not if you: beat me; cheat on me; beat the plants," etc.

The "love" that is felt for another that is not your child is merely lust diluted with sentimentality. Both of these things are fine in themselves, but, they don't often mix well together.

And, yes, animals do feel. When one of my dad's cats was put to sleep, the other cat laid around listless waiting for his return.
the_drip said:
What the fuck. If he's not what you want...why the fuck are you dragging him into a lie? To be dating for 5 years with someone you don't even love is bullshit.
I have to agree. Thats pretty low, well at least if he think you two are in love. I fucking hate how so many girls are into games and/or just can't be honest.
estimate said:
What the fuck? This is a fucking Opeth-forum. My god. No, we don't have girlfriends, no we don't have friends, no we don't have lives. Leave me alone with my bats, I'm eating one now.
hahahah exactly...

this forum is teh suck.
What the fuck are you talking about, TwilightSymphonies?! There's no serious love before the age of 25 ? That's complete nonsense. What has age to do with (emotional) maturity these days ?

Friends of mine fell into love with each other at the age of 16. They are together for 10 years now, and their relationship is of astonishing emotional intensity.

I met my beloved at the age of 17, were in a relationship as perfect as it could ever get for two years now, and there is not a single sign that this love wont last a very long time.

Just because you have not experienced true love yet, it does not mean that it does not exist.
Well if you like this girl. Just enjoy. Take thing slow bro. From the way you type it sounds as if your in your teens. That's cool. But remember you can't love intil you love yourself. So don't get to carried away. Just give it time. And if it is meant to be. Everything should fall into place. Remember your young. And not lose yourself in the moment.

As far as animals go. Hell yes they feel. My cat is so friggin loving. Whenever I come home from work she rolls around on her back like a dog in the dirt. She was a stray before she approached me. I was sitting on the sidewalk all depressed one day. And here comes this cat. First she approached with caution. And i didn;t care for cats much. But i'm like what the hell. I need a friend. I reach my hand out and it let me play with her. Ever since that day. We've been like family :)