true story about police, baby-mama drama, etc... in my hood.


Aug 2, 2002
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last night, shirley (the lady who lives above us) got a visit from her crazy ex and i heard her yelling CALL THE POLICE!!! while furniture is smashing and shit is flying out onto the fire escape and babies are screaming.... so i called 911 and so they show up (like, hello.... 15 minutes after the ex leaves) and like they got the apartment number wrong. so they call our apartment, ask my b.f. to come outside, i come out instead and it turns out, they thought it was HIM THAT WAS ABUSING ME.... not upstairs .... and they were going to arrest him when he walked out. i was like, you incompetent fucks.

(so anyway, the crazy ex left because we all were pounding on the door up there with this other dude yelling COME ON OUT MOTHERFUCKER and so he went out the window on the fire escape and bolted.)
also, this happens like maybe once every 4-5 weeks i think because this dude swings by when he thinks she's getting her P.A. checks (that's just my guess) anyway, she sometimes smokes crack so that exacerbates things from what i hear.
i think it's the tattoo thing. actually, they didnt even see him! they just assumed by the voice on the phone and because they 911 operator gave them the wrong apartment #.

i am just glad the kids & shirley are like, okay.
wait -- does xfer really shave his entire body? fyi, phil, the singer for all that remains does that too. their guitarist told me. you think that was a pickup line?



not "all". and not any right now; i've grown lazy. that will change shortly.