try and wrap your mind around this one


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
ok so Friday was my old college roomate's birthday. We took him out to dinner and at the dinner table, someone else jokingly suggested taking him to a strip club and his girlfriend got really excited and wanted to go as well. I didn't go with them to the strip club but from what i am told, said ex-roomate's girlfriend supplied him with dollar bills for the table dancers and then forked over the $20 for a lap dance and was apparently having a blast.

Then after the stripper came to get my friend and take him for their dance she apparently flipped out and got insanely jealous and started being really paranoid and didn't calm down for another hour and a half.

look, basically, a lot of girls do this. they try to be cool with stuff they intellectually know they should be cool with, and at some point they just can't do it anymore and let their emotions take hold.

yes, it's incredibly retarded. and it's horrible in terms of self-image, because you have figured out what the way you SHOULD behave is, yet you don't behave that way. i blame shit like COSMOPOLITAN for making women think it's OK to cave and stop trying. way to destroy someone's sense of an indepedent self.
Baliset said:
Amen to that

it sucks too because like, i see my friends go psycho and i am like *blush*. i am probably only not like that because i have like, no feelings.
i also know of a few not totally wacked out chicks like robina and my friend mel. we form packs and protect ourselves from the others.