Tryin to get Accept's sound, im i close?


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2013
Okay guys,
I was trying to rip off Andy's sound from Accept - Blood of the nations album.

First im trying to get the drums and bas to sound alike.
Im pretty new to this so i would be happy if you guys would take a listen to and comment on it.

The drums are recorded by a cheap ass electronic kit and samples from Metal Machine edited to get close to Accepts sound.
The bas is a squire $70 bas into the Great River preamp.

I know this song is not super metal, more like hard rock but i hope you will help me anyways :D

Am i close to the sound?
What can i do to get closer?

its very hard to get the sound dead on cus i only have the mastered version and have to listen thru the guitars and everything to get the sounds.

