trying new guitartones, please comment


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I'm just working on this project and trying to get some cool guitartones (rh-guit) that aren't TOOO typical LSD...although that's a really tough thing to do, cause I've got my taste and find myself searching for a similar tone over and over again....

anyway, here's a roughmix, please comment:


this mix is far from being finished, not even everything tracked yet....and I'm aware about those ugly picking-noises on the melody ;)
Yeah, I have to agree, but only just barely; a little less mud and it'd be perfect, and it doesn't have nearly as much mud as your usual tracks (I assume this is the Mesa cab and not the Engl? ;)) I LOVE the music, by the way, especially the stacatto riff at the very end!
Better, and I agree with Chryst on the similarity to "The Apostasy," but I feel this still needs just a bit more presence - otherwise, fucking awesome! So let's hear what you used ;)
Customshop ESP Hannemann, 81->808

6505 (red channel this time, usually I'm a fan of green) and 2ch dual Rec

Mesa OS and Engl Pro




The Engl has a narrow but deep notch at 2900 that makes it sounds really smooth, also the bottomend on the engl is tighter than on the mesa (of course, it's not oversized).
it has a more prominent low-mid-range though (around 250Hz).

I think the Mesa needs a tiny bit more mic/EQ-tweaking to reduce the fizz and ist's a bit easier to get the desired result on the Engl (although that might just be because I'm knowing it inside out and where the sweetspots are etc), but the Mesa has this really nice low-end bark that the Engl just doesn't have...
I'm still not sure which one I frefer atm, leaning towards the Mesa though...might be because it's new, dunno ;)

The tones I had in mind where something in the direction of apostasy as well as Devlidriver TLKW, so "tightness" is not my main goal.

thanks for commenting

I really like it! Not the typical sound for this forum, but it suits the song and the vocals will be a breeze to mix with this sound.

thanks. yeah, plenty of space for the vox left I guess...haven't recorded them yet though.
I can believe it, cuz 6505 and 2 Ch. Dual Rec ;) I love the sound of a 5150/6505 as a blend amp, and would probably take a blend of the two over just a Dual Rec tone, but if I could only have one I'd still rather have the Rec. How did you divide up the cabs, Lasse? One amp per cab, or each amp through each cab? (I assume this was quad-tracked)
I like it, it sounds thick and smooth. However, it's a bit undefined and slightly dark, especially when compared to the bright drums.
ì like the guitar tone

and that Snare is so F***ING AWESOME!!

thanks. it's the original snare's mic track (80%) with about 20% of the same sample blended in (I think I've uploaded the raw tracks some time's a free floating brass with powerstroke3 2x sm57 API),
I gated and limited/compressed the bottommic to fuck, then bussed top and bottom to a group, eq'edand compressed again, then there's parallel comp on all the drums, C2 on the 2bus and clipping, multibandcomp and limiting in the pseudo-rough-mastering