TS For a valveking


Mar 23, 2010
I recently posted a thread about the Digitech Bad monkey.....which I was leaning towards for price and availability also due to many comments on this forum.

In that thread others said it wasn't so good.....so now I'm stumped.

Please help guys....I play new/old school metal combination so I want to try to get beefy metalcore tone with flexibility.

I use a TS 9 with my Valveking and love it.

The stuff recorded http://www.myspace.com/babilos was all done with a Valveking + TS9

Guitars are a 71' Les Paul with Gibson Burstbuckers > TS9 > Valveking Combo > Late 60's Birch Marshall Cab w/ V30s > Audix i5

TS Settings:

ValveKing Settings:

Gain Boost ON
Volume Boost OFF
Thanks....but I can't justify the cost of the TS-9 especially sue to the similarity of the TS-7

Any other thoughts?
I built my own TS808 for ~$60, and that was with a premade PCB and predrilled enclosure; you could probably make one for much cheaper.
I'm in Canada and I don't want to wait.....yes I'm WAY too impatient. How about between:
- Bad Monkey
-Boss SD-1

SD 1 = Shit in my opinion only thing worse is a DS 1 ....lol
Bad monkey is OK but its a bit "thin" sounding for me

Id go TS7 and for the $40 price tag it really cant be beat if you are on a budget.

IHO you should wait to out save the extra dough and pick up a TS9, honestly ... but without a trained ear you wont notice a difference if you use one or not. The Valve King has SHITLOADS of gain so keep that in mind. Using the TS isn't going to increase your gain by much its really just to tame some of the lower frequencies that get muddy when down tuned. I find if you are tunes in E, Eb or D the Valve king really doesn't need the TS in a live setting. In the studio on the tracks above i really used it to boost the pickups output and for "color" over anything else.
I use EMG's modded to 18V....don't know if that will cause a problem or be beneficial. I don't think I'll be using the gain, but just want a TS pedal for tone shaping/taming functionality
I don't really have anything helpful to say, but our guitarists got their TS7's for their VKs and it sounds 10x better now! I can actually hear what they're playing and it actually sounds pretty good :lol:
I got a Digitech Hardwire CM-2....I don't know how I like it yet 'cause I haven't had a real chance to test it.....but it's pretty close to the Bad Monkey
The Boss ODB-3 or whatever (the bass overdrive pedal) sounds awesome on guitar and doesn't have that annoying nasal quality the SD-1 has
Well....worked the shit out of the Hardwire CM-2 this weekend. I love it, and am really amazed at all the tone variations I could achieve. I thought I didn't like it at first, because I was aiming for that quick and dirty TS sound, and because of all the different variations of tone that can be achieved with it, I didn't see it at first.....but it can do that and then some.

One of the big reasons for getting it over other TS type pedals was that I run my EMG's at 18V and the Description page states:

"With the high-output pickups found on some electric guitars, it's not unusual to hear clipping when playing through an effects pedal. This occurs when the voltage range produced by a guitar's pickup is greater than the operating voltage of the effects pedal—normally limited to the voltage supplied by the effect's battery or power supply. HardWire pedals incorporate circuitry that increases the operating voltage headroom above that of the typical pedal. As such, HardWire pedals benefit a wider range of guitars"

I don't know if this is a gimmick, but I wanted to be safe anyway....I also talked to the guitar tech. at the store about this feature, and he really stood by it especially with my EMG's at 18V.....and it wasn't that he was trying to get a better sale, because the other pedals I was looking were more expensive.

The "classic/modified" switch is really cool addition, in classic it's more reminiscent of the TS-9, but the modified position drives the pedal even further for more tonal possibilities.

In bypass.....valveking 100H with Supreme XL cab sounded mudding, lacking crunch with clarity......engaged.....it was like a different amp...harmonics, crunch, clarity. DAMN!

Anyhow, thought I'd post this to let you guys know...the CM-2 is a badder monkey of sorts.