TSE X50 V2 vs TSE X50 V1 comparison


Jan 20, 2008
I made a video comparing the two amp sims.

I have compared the old and the new versions to give you an idea of how different they sound. If you want a clearer idea of how different they are, then towards the end of the video there is just the guitars playing.

I set both amps to exactly the same settings. The tube screamers are the same too and they are both using the same impulse. There is absolutely no post processing on the guitars.

There isn't a massive difference but you can tell V2 is much warmer sounding and handles the high end section much better. It sounds fuller and warmer overall where as V1 has quite a sharp fizzy attack and seems to lack some high mids or something.

V1 had a much lower gain output than V2 so the only small difference I made was to add a bit more input gain on the TSE 808 on the V1 to balance it out a little.
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I'm not gonna lie, the old one sounds like ass in comparison to the new one. The top end is hugely improved and it handles the chugs way better.
I made some comparison of the green channel


and new version :)
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I'm not gonna lie, the old one sounds like ass in comparison to the new one. The top end is hugely improved and it handles the chugs way better.

That's exactly what I thought. The high end is much better and fuller sounding.

what cabsim you use on this comprasion? (v1)

I used Lecab 2 on the V1 parts using the same impulse.

I was going to use the V2 IR loader but I thought it would be a good idea to compare V2 as a whole against free plugins.

Your comparisons sound great too. V2 has a much more obvious fuller and warmer tone to it overall similar to what I had found with my test.
It's very easy to tell the difference when the guitars are by themselves, but in the mix they sound pretty much identical.
Yep V2 all the way. This has been my experience using the the two different version as well.

Even better yet is the GUI and inclusion of all the other stuff in a single plugin.

V2 rocks.... but I expected nothing less considering the source.

The only thing that sucks is now I have to go back to my projects and switch all the guitar plugs to V2. ;)
I let the video play as I was scrolling reading.
Couldn't tell the difference in a full mix.
Got to the bottom by the time it was solo'd guitars.
Sounds like the first one has a really high frequency fizz to it.
Nothing that couldn't be EQ'd out.
I think 30 % of v2 is the amp modelling, 70 % is the cab section particularly the movement function.

If you went v1 -> LeCab compared to v2 with internal cab section, then it would be night and day in the mix.
There is definitely a difference between the two. Better in terms of amps? Perhaps, although I could get nearly that same tone with V1 if i just rolled back the highs a little bit. No idea why the highs are boosted so much on the amp, IMO having the highs past noon is a terrible idea, that's what Presence is for. But when it comes to comparing them with identical settings, yes, V2 surely takes the cake. That's the product of something not being a free piece of software, of course you will get higher quality. Well, generally speaking ;)

Thanks for this thread of the comparison, helps a lot!
Honestly, I don't see one feature as being particularly standout-ish. It's more of a cumulative affect in my opinion. I know I have been able to eliminate a great deal of plugins from guitar groups. As a matter of fact X50 is the only sitting on those groups. GTR Busses still have the same stuff....but that's fairly minimal. I've always liked the less is more approach. It's so nice not having 50 plugs on those tracks and having everything I need condensed into one plug. Not only have I been able reduce computer resources.... the work flow is much better now. Of course none of that matters if it sound like crap. Fortunately, that is not an issue.
The movement function really doesn't do much. It is very subtle.

It is very subtle, but when you start layering guitars, or simply hard pan two guitars, it really makes a difference in a full mix.

I haven't tried it with external IRs yet, but I have tried it with LeCto and Ignite Amps pre-amp and it brought them more alive.
Wow, V2.0 is much much more better. Like previously stated by others, the overall crisp in V1 is a little harsher while V2.0 is smooth and definitely sounds more full. TSE Audio, AMAZING!
The difference is huge in my opinion. The top end is part of it but I can feel the dynamic response drop flat as soon as V1 kicks in. Besides, the chugs and just the general frequency valance sounds way better in or out of the mix.
It is very subtle, but when you start layering guitars, or simply hard pan two guitars, it really makes a difference in a full mix.

I haven't tried it with external IRs yet, but I have tried it with LeCto and Ignite Amps pre-amp and it brought them more alive.

After messing around with the movement control a bit more I know exactly what you mean about it having a big difference.

With double tracked guitar if you turn the movement knob up it seems to open up the middle of the mix leaving room for other instruments.