War Ensemble
Enos, You Dipstick!
I wonder what the lineup wil be?? Would be nice to see Caffery, Middleton, Pitrelli and Plate together again!! Would also like to see Anna Phoebe, Tommy Farese and Jeff S. Soto.
Stolen from the TSO forum,
Chris Caffery recently posted: "I can't wait to play with Al, it's been a long time. I love Alex and will miss him on the road. Al and I have a great chemistry live. The Dead Winter Dead Savatage band (minus vocalists of course) is doing this tour. That alone is so exciting to me!!!"
It appears that the following are "confirmed" for the spring TSO tour.
Guitar: Chris Caffery & Al Pitrelli
Bass: Johnny Lee Middleton
Drums: Jeff Plate
Keyboards: Vitalij Kuprij & Jane Mangini
Violin: Anna Phoebe