TSO Tour Dates!

TSO 2008/9 tour dates are up...

Woo hoo...ROAD TRIP!!!


Road trip for you or for them? They're playing Phoenix - unless you're referring to seeing the east coast group instead of the west coast one.

I'm just glad they're playing Richmond, VA in November this year. Good chance I can get to see them this time around. It also helps they'll be playing on a Saturday night! :headbang::kickass:
Wooooooohooooooo two shows in EL Paso on Nov 25 one in the afternoon and one that night.
We'll probably miss them again this year, unless they actually do/play something different than they did in the last 4 tours.

hmm..its Christmas music for the most part though right? And its right during the Christmas Season. Forgive my ignorance, but who cares if they play a similiar set?
We'll probably miss them again this year, unless they actually do/play something different than they did in the last 4 tours.

Ditto to that. Nick and I are a little tired of seeing them do the same old show. Not to mention for those of us who have seen them play nice concert/symphony/opera halls as opposed to these big stadium tours, seeing TSO play in a hockey arena/football stadium just isn't the same.

I'm happy the guys have been so successful with TSO that they can do arenas, but I really wish they would make the effort to mix in some nicer venues with better acoustics and nicer set-ups, even if it meant I had to pay a little extra for my tickets. I really miss seeing them at the Myerhoff Symphony Orchestra here in Baltimore. The last time was 5 years ago. We saw them the next year at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore and haven't gone to see them since. However, if they toured a new album (Nightcastle, i.e. the Chinese Democracy of symphonic metal) or mixed up the material a bit more I'd be very willing to settle for a show in an arena setting.
hmm..its Christmas music for the most part though right? And its right during the Christmas Season. Forgive my ignorance, but who cares if they play a similiar set?
They have three albums of Christmas music to pull form (probably about 50 songs) and another album of wonderful music that is not seasonal. but they always play the same 15 or 20 songs. We want to hear them play other material for the same reason everyone on here bitches about other bands "always playing the same old hits." There are songs I love by TSO off The Lost Christmas Eve that I've never heard played and probably never will because they rarely (if ever) change the set. I'd probably be just as annoyed if Iron Maiden always played the "Best of the Beast" album as their set list one every tour and never varied from it. They have so many other good songs that people would love to hear. It would get a little boring (and perhaps somewhat pointless to waist the money) to see the exact same show over and over again.
I have been under the impression that the first half of the TSO show is actually a kind of Christmas play. Therefore, it's always the same because it's an entity with a "script" more or less, not just a concert.

The second half of the show seems to be more of a concert and that's where I would expect to see a lot more variation in song choices.

Funny thing I noticed when going to a TSO show in the Meadowlands arena, there is a large portion of the audience that comes to see the "Christmas Play", if you will. Groups of kids, families, elderly people etc. From listening to their conversations, many consider it part of their Christmas tradition. Most of these seem to leave after that part and the place was nearly half empty for the second part. Kind of odd imo. I mean, maybe you won't like the "metal show" that is the second half, but if you've paid for it, why not check it out?
I may, perhaps, go this year. I haven't seen TSO in 8 years. However, I also don't really like the fact that they're playing huge arenas. I probably won't go, if I don't find someone to go with.
I agree with the recent posts. I first saw them in 2001 at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC - a fantastic and classic theater type hall with great acoustics. Didn't get a chance to go again until last year, and it was at the hockey arena in Greensboro, NC. It just wasn't as good an experience. And yes, it felt like watching the exact same show as in 2001, except with way more lights and effects. Yes, we had a great time, but I can't see me going again this year.
hmm..its Christmas music for the most part though right? And its right during the Christmas Season. Forgive my ignorance, but who cares if they play a similiar set?

I do. Not only is it the same set, but it's the same musicians for what? The last 5 years. If it were the Al Pitrelli company, I'd go see it again, maybe. If it's the Chris Caffery group again, definitely not.

On top of that, it is after the new year for us this year.

I agree. It was far better when they were playing in "theaters" as opposed to "arenas". That won't happen again though.

Look at it this way Q. We're giving two other people the chance to see them for the first time. It's not like it won't sell out by 2 seats.
Road trip for you or for them?

Both!! I hit Phoenix and Las Vegas every year…and occasionally an extra show when time and finances permit.

As for the comments about the show being the same year after year, Paul made the comment a couple of years ago that they were eventually going to switch to doing “The Lost Christmas Eve” for the first half of the show…but it still hasn’t happened. I’d love to see this, as I think TLCE is a really powerful story. However, I’d be royally pissed off if they cut out any of MY personal favorite songs to make the change. :lol:

Oh, well, given that I’ve seen TSO West 10 times and will rack up at least a couple more shows this year, the lack of variety is obviously not keeping me from purchasing tickets. :)
Funny thing I noticed when going to a TSO show in the Meadowlands arena, there is a large portion of the audience that comes to see the "Christmas Play", if you will. Groups of kids, families, elderly people etc. From listening to their conversations, many consider it part of their Christmas tradition. Most of these seem to leave after that part and the place was nearly half empty for the second part. Kind of odd imo. I mean, maybe you won't like the "metal show" that is the second half, but if you've paid for it, why not check it out?

Wow, in Atlanta I've noticed a few people leaving after they (basically) perform Christmas Eve in its entirety, but the place was definitely more than half-full during the second set. Many friends of mine look forward to it a bit more because there's more chance of variety there.

Ditto to that. Nick and I are a little tired of seeing them do the same old show. Not to mention for those of us who have seen them play nice concert/symphony/opera halls as opposed to these big stadium tours, seeing TSO play in a hockey arena/football stadium just isn't the same.

Those early shows in Atlanta, first at the Tabernacle and then at the Fox Theater, were awesome....especially the now-infamous 'last show of the tour' hilarity that ensued one year. (Silly string, rubber chicken, giant sombrero, and fart sound effects in the stage monitors.....wheeee)

The arena shows aren't quite as intimate, but then again, maybe I can get closer seats this year. I do remember that their sound when they played Gwinnett Arena here was far and away the BEST concert sound I've ever heard in an arena.

Nov.16 in ATL!

Thanks for that.....wonder when tickets go on sale?
The arena shows aren't quite as intimate, but then again, maybe I can get closer seats this year. I do remember that their sound when they played Gwinnett Arena here was far and away the BEST concert sound I've ever heard in an arena.

We managed to get 3rd row floor seats last year, and will definitely avoid doing that again. With the Philips Arena setup, we ended up being under the PA speakers, which made the sound seem off the entire night. Plus, being that close in took away from getting the full effect of the light and stage show (plus, you can't see the platform at the back of the floor area). We'll be shooting for seats farther back this year. :)

They're pretty much always play in Albany on my birthday weekend and yet I've still never managed to get someone to buy me tickets as a present. I can't bring myself to buy $50+ tickets for a single band.