TSO 2006

I read the entire interview. Tell your friends great job! At least we know how Jon feels about Savatage, JOP, and TSO.

It's very cool that Criss is still living through the music (if you read the entire interview, then you'll know what I'm referring to)! That's enough to buy the new JOP disc right there!

I have to say, it would've been cool if he called his new band Jon Oliva's Savatage though.

Trans-Siberian Outcast, thanks for posting! \nn/
Jon Oliva said:
I mean these two records would have been the next’s Savatage albums. You got the Savatage albums you want. You just have me with different musicians. I mean it is Savatage! It's Savatage music, because it's my music and my music is Savatage music. My voice is Savatage.
as conceited as it might appear to sound, he's totally right. He IS Savatage, and the two JOP discs sound just like Savatage. If they had the full lineup, it would be even better, but barring that, JOP does the job for me :kickass:
Kenneth R. said:
as conceited as it might appear to sound, he's totally right. He IS Savatage, and the two JOP discs sound just like Savatage. If they had the full lineup, it would be even better, but barring that, JOP does the job for me :kickass:

I don't think he means for it to sound conceited, but he's just stating a fact.:kickass:
And it calls out what I don't understand. Why not call JOP Savatage? Who do they owe something to, to not do that? A record label? Chris Caffrey? The bass player? Do people feel that the musicians that joined Savatage in the mid 90s, are better than those on JOP?
Cheiron said:
And it calls out what I don't understand. Why not call JOP Savatage? Who do they owe something to, to not do that? A record label? Chris Caffrey? The bass player? Do people feel that the musicians that joined Savatage in the mid 90s, are better than those on JOP?

Well, I don't understand something else. Why didn't Jon just get Middleton, Plate, Caffery, and Pitrelli to be his band in Jon Oliva's Pain?
edgeofthorns said:
Well, I don't understand something else. Why didn't Jon just get Middleton, Plate, Caffery, and Pitrelli to be his band in Jon Oliva's Pain?

Probably because he liked stealing Zak's boys more =p

That, and seemingly, it is the side projects of the formentioned people that kept Savatage from occuring at all, thus the album being produced, thus why he went and decided to make his own stuff with new people.
edgeofthorns said:
Well, I don't understand something else. Why didn't Jon just get Middleton, Plate, Caffery, and Pitrelli to be his band in Jon Oliva's Pain?
I've heard him answer this question before. When it was time to start recording 'Tage Mahal, those guys were all busy with other projects and spread out between Florida and New York. He picked up Zack's band when they became available as a matter of convenience as all of them live in the same area. Jon wanted musicians whose schedules wouldn't conflict with JOP recording sessions or touring schedules, and he wanted them close by so they could easily practice their songs before performing them.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I've heard him answer this question before. When it was time to start recording 'Tage Mahal, those guys were all busy with other projects and spread out between Florida and New York. He picked up Zack's band when they became available as a matter of convenience as all of them live in the same area. Jon wanted musicians whose schedules wouldn't conflict with JOP recording sessions or touring schedules, and he wanted them close by so they could easily practice their songs before performing them.

I remember reading that as well now that you mention it. Makes sense!
Has anyone received any information on ticket sales for tomorrow. I signed up for the fan club a few weeks ago but I'm not sure if it was in time to be included for this perk. Just wondering if I'm going to miss out on the good seats.
rjrousseau said:
Has anyone received any information on ticket sales for tomorrow. I signed up for the fan club a few weeks ago but I'm not sure if it was in time to be included for this perk. Just wondering if I'm going to miss out on the good seats.

i know what ya mean - it's gonna be weird this eyar - as I will be buying them as a solo act. My ex really liked sitting back a bit so she could see the lights and watfch the lighting rig do it's thing. Several times I gave up front row tix - this year.... Al, Tommy, Jill & Co better be prepared to see my ugly mug up front & center. Oh, being an optomist I will be buying 4 tix - so assuming I am still single and anyone is visiting the Colorado Springs area around showtime - lemme know. Otherwise I'll just grab some "underpriveledged" kids and take em for a nite of Xmas & spectacle.

Looking forward to the show this Monday in Greenville, SC. Scored front row seats for me and my 15 year old daughter. I have to remember to get her some ear plugs.
SharkBlack said:
Is it going to be the exact same show again? I've seen them the last two years and the sets were almost identical? Anybody know?
They always do Chyristmas Eve and Other Stories in it's entirety, followed by random selections from the other releases.
Hia ll - lookinga t the link for the touring bands I dont see Jill anywhere. I know she is recordinga new solo cd but damnit she is supposed to be onthe West tour - every year!!! Damnt hat stupid rockstar supernova for taking up her time - the cd could be done, she could be touring with TSO - I'm sure whoever they get will be awesome too - but TSO has been a tradition with me since the first tour - and we old people do not like change dammit.

I'm debating getting a ticket or two for the Atlanta show, but frankly, the ticket price plus parking plus the area around Phillips Arena might make me miss this.....first time in five years. I have to wonder about booking it at Phillips, too. It's not as if it drew all that well at Gwinnett Arena last year, which is smaller AND has free parking AND is in a much nicer area.....
Pellaz said:
I'm debating getting a ticket or two for the Atlanta show, but frankly, the ticket price plus parking plus the area around Phillips Arena might make me miss this.....first time in five years. I have to wonder about booking it at Phillips, too. It's not as if it drew all that well at Gwinnett Arena last year, which is smaller AND has free parking AND is in a much nicer area.....

Granted it seems like way too much venue for the event, and I agree that Gwinnett would have been better. But the first 2 years were at the Tabernacle... right around the corner from Phillips.
Yep, and both shows were terrific.....and more intimate....and hella cheaper. We were maybe 25 feet from the stage at those shows....lucky to be within 100 now. (Closest floor seats now are second section back, tenth row.)