Tube Question

Feb 3, 2006
Yeah yeah, I know this comes up all the time, but my question is a bit different :grin:

My amp is a hybrid - for the most part it's solid state, but it has a preamp tube for the distortion channels. At the moment it's got some generic ECC83 in it which sounds okay but a bit fuzzy. Bearing in mind there's just the one, so I can't mix and match to get the best sound, what would you all recommend? I need one tube that's going to give me high gain, a tight low end, rich mids, and smooth highs. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Hexer is right, pre-amp tubes are cheap so try a few if you want to. However, don't expect much of a change to the overall sound of a hybrid amp like that. I chased around a different tone with one by changing the tube but it always sounded basically the same. I think the character was pretty much defined by the rest of the amp. (An old Marshall VS100). You might have better luck with your amplifier, that's just my experience.
Yeah I intend to try out a few different ones. I got it second-hand, and changed the tube not long after I got it when the old one started playing up - it didn't change the tone as such, but the one I put in is definately less focused than the old one. I'll be interested to see what difference it does make to the sound.
