Tube sockets? WTF?

here's what i would do......tell her that she can send it back and you'll fix the problem at her's the catch....she has to pay for the return and reshipping fee, and tell her you're real busy and you'll get to it when you can. that way you've made an attempt to resolve the issue. and tell her you take check, cash, or coochie.
But what possible reason do I have to want to resolve the issue? Even if she pays for everything repair- and shipping-wise, that's still time I gotta take to fix it - no way. I'm a very ethical person, but I won't have any trouble sleeping at night by giving this person the "caveat emptor" treatment.
Just send her a porcelin statue of Jesus 12" + tall with a note that says Jesus forgives me, so should you. Except the statue is really just a cover and out the bottom pops a giant spiked dildo and a shitload of fire ants. Maybe even some sort of bio weapon and a used tampon for her to gag on.

I've been known to have a 'vivid' imagination...