Tuesday's Maiden Open Jam @ T.c.'s 11/26 / Eddie's Girlfriends!

Hey all!

This is The Gare from EMPYRE and I just wanted to say what a great time we had last night! Frank our singer sang Hallowed with you guys and now I wish I had signed up with him to play it! He had a great time. What a cool idea to have a open jam night like that. You guys rock! Looking forward to playing with you guys Dec. 28 at The Foxx Club. It should be a blast! I cant fuckin' wait! Good luck on your tour, see you when you get back!

If I may plug here, we are also playing DiPiazzas Friday, Dec. 13th for all you Queensryche fans. Also playing is Hystoria and Hangar 18! Should be a blast!

See ya there!

Ryche On and Up the Irons!!!

The Gare
Arg, barely functioning, got home at 1 AM and got up at 5:15 AM to go to work and operate heavy equipment. I had a great time last night, especially gettin to play "Flight of Icarus" with ya all! Definitely something I'd like to see ya all do again! Next time I wanna play "2 Minutes to Midnight", someone beat me to it this time. Dang. That McFly guy is a hella rockin guitar machine, when I grow up I wanna play just like him! EEE!
i think it's awesome you gals had this "Open Jam" show. i mean...it would've been perfect for me to do something like that, but i already made my treck out West back in March.

if it was as successful as it sounds, you should do it again!! and give me plenty of advanced notice!

again, very cool of you. to all you who made it up on stage to jam: you rock(ed).
CT, even if I did see you, I probably wouldn't remember. I was in such a hurry to get there being that I took a nap and overslept an hour cuz my alarm didn't go off, so I was a bit stressed. Maybe had I known your situation, I'd have helped you push your car into a ditch somewhere and taken you out there! Had I been in your situation, I probably would've been stupid enough to drive out there with the donut tire. Hard to say. I feel your pain, though.

As it turns out they didn't start the show until, like, 9:45. I walked in right at "Aces High." Then I saw people wandering around with their OWN guitars. Confused and alone, I purchased a beer.

As for another jam session, sounds like Jen's gonna try to shoot for one sometime in early '03.

Hey Smylex. I totally agree with you on the vocalist shit. I'm basically naked as far as I'm concerned if I'm up there on vox without having something with strings on it clung to me. Looking back on it now, I feel like I was only playing guitar up there for half a minute. It really doesn't make sense, but in agreement with McFly on having fun with making an ass out of yourself onstage - I enjoy that - and I feel more capable of doing that when I've got a bass or guitar strapped on. My last band... hell, we were the kings of being onstage dumbasses. So much that we'd play like absolute shit half the time. The other half of the time was usually the same, but we'd be drunk.

Why it seemed to surprise so many people that I did the "Wasted Years" backing vocals is still beyond me. Maybe I'm not quite metal enough to understand. I dunno.
Lots of fun last night at T.C.'s. Looking forward to the next one. A couple of quick comments, that dude who sang "Trooper" rocked. He was enjoying that a hell of a lot. Also, who was that beautiful babe who was playing bass on "Number of the Beast"? (Wow!!) "Mariner" kicked butt too, hopefully it will be a new addition to the lineup.
You all played great! I was smiling the whole night! Thanks for braving the freeways and coming out to contribute to a hella fun night. It was a trip for me to sit out and watch my fellow band mates shred~usually my hair is flying about and I can't see too well. ;) Too bad you can't use hair to hide too Smylex! It works for me!
Ditto on both of 'em. She nailed it. If I remember right, the guy who sang "The Trooper" was the big dude, right? Hellova voice on that guy. He made Dickinson's voice his own and I'd say was probably my fave of the night. Then again, it's kinda hard to categorize "bests" which probably isn't a good idea anyway. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it for the moment rather than it have been an ego thing. It feels cool just knowing that I got to be a part of it with Linda and Jen, let alone having Mel up there as well thrashing around right next to me.

And yes Sara, you were smiling a lot!!:grin:
I'm glad the show went so well! I'm very much enjoying reading about the gig!

There ARE pictures, right?

And the forum cowers in fear at the threat of Mr Toast doing yet another photochop session, with more unsuspecting targets...

Did my fingers just say that out loud?!? Bad Fingers! Where's the axe...
FUN FUN FUN STUFF! Lots of cool players out there!!!!!And singers too!!!!! Let's do it again sometime......soon! :D I thought it sounded pretty damn neat when there were 3 guitars going at once. I also loved being able to watch my fellow Maidens play from the view you all usually get to see!! I always gotta watch their butts! :o
Yes, Toast, there are pictures. We're still waiting to see them, too. Hopefully, soon. :)

McBURRain, now you know the view that I get at all your shows! :Saint: Besides, you make it sound like it's a bad thing!
Speaking of VIEW...how many times to you see a person / individual playing Steve Harris riffs, leg up on monitor wearing a skirt! Wooo woooo Wanda...

To answer previous questions...Rod from STEELROD was doing vocals....ROD, ERIC AND JONNY were playing...they are all from that band and I kept mixing up their names w/ their intstruments...

The blonde bassist was Precilla, I think she played w/ Phantom for a time....

XXOO's to all who came out...the vibe was soooo great ...it felt like a big Maiden party...

Can't wait to do another one....
Heh. Yeah, the skirt. I'm not even gonna go there...
:OMG: Happy Thankgiving, everybody. Unfortunately, I'm working.
Originally posted by downure
Heh. Yeah, the skirt. I'm not even gonna go there...
:OMG: Happy Thankgiving, everybody. Unfortunately, I'm working.

You aren't the only one! I'm getting a little photoshop stuff done here before I clock in for my shift - and rejoicing because the Seti team I founded just crossed the 25,000 work unit mark!

But at least my boss should be bringing by some thanksgiving goodness later!
Originally posted by smylex

McBURRain, now you know the view that I get at all your shows! :Saint: Besides, you make it sound like it's a bad thing!

No, no, never said it was a bad thing, it was just nice to see a set of male cheeks for a change. :spin:

As for the blonde bass player, that is Prescilla, but no, she never played with Phantom. She plays a mean guitar for my other band, (new name under construction) though.