Tuesday's Maiden Open Jam @ T.c.'s 11/26 / Eddie's Girlfriends!

Originally posted by Doodoobubbachuck
No, no, never said it was a bad thing, it was just nice to see a set of male cheeks for a change. :spin:

:eek: Whose cheeks?

As for the blonde bass player, that is Prescilla, but no, she never played with Phantom. She plays a mean guitar for my other band, (new name under construction) though.

So, that's who that was.

Originally posted by Bruce Chickinson
Speaking of VIEW...how many times to you see a person / individual playing Steve Harris riffs, leg up on monitor wearing a skirt! Wooo woooo Wanda...

Not gonna go there? I think I did! :Saint: Chickinson, are you aiming that post at me? :spin:

By the way, Children of Bodom have sold out. It was on the 6 o'clock news. :grin:
"By the way, Children of Bodom have sold out. It was on the 6 o'clock news."

I couldn't have responded to that better, Smylex. :lol:
Cool! It should be fun! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

I am really kicking myself in the ass for not signing up and doing Hallowed with Frank. We used to play that song before we started doing the full Queensryche tribute. One of my favorite IM tunes! :rock:

Here is another plug: We are also playing with The Maidens at the Foxx Club Dec. 28 and we are giving away a Fender Strat!!!! Should be a rager! Iron Maiden and Quensryche!

Now, if we can just get a Iron Maiden, Queensryche and Metallica.....Holy Shit what a night huh?!?! :yow:


The Gare
There is some pictures posted in the photo gallery of the jam!! Two Pages....sorry theres not more I ran out of film!! If anyone snapped some shots email em to the girls...Im sure they would love to see them!!
Some captions with the pics might be nice, so the rest of us can figure out who is who...

Thanks for posting those!!!

Very nice artwork BTW!
Actually Im not really sure who's who....lol...I did talk to Sara tonight and she was going to try to look at the pages and let me know what to write...I know some people....but not all....I didnt want anyone to feel left out......so I left everyone out....bad me!!....Captions will come soon!!!
I didn't know I was making THAT kinda face! EE! Great show ladies, I wonder if any of the other tribute bands will be openin their stage up to us non pro musicians soon? Hey alla youse guys, how aboot it eh? There's some a yas I wanna jam toonz with!
Hmmm.....You wanna jam Queensryche tunes? We all thought that was such a cool idea the Maidens did. If enough people were interested in such a thing, we may be inclined to do it somewhere down the line. It was alot of fun. I should have done Hallowed with my singer!!:mad:

Maybe next time......:D
The jam was a kick ass time! It was cool to even see the road crew get up on stage, aka *Smylex* singin to Die with your Boots On! I thought all players and singers were great. I thought the best singer was the person that sang Hollowed. That boy can hit the high notes and holdem! If that person is the singer for Queensryche tribute Empyre, I'm looking forward to seeing your show! I've always liked Queensryche. They RYCHE!
Helena Handbasket? I know her!!! HA!

Yea, that was Frank singing Hallowed be Thy Name, the singer for EMPYRE. Dont forget we are playing with the Maidens Dec. 28 at the Fox Club. Should be ALOT of fun. :rock:

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

And Snausages, you gotta know some QR tunes?! Everyone knows Queen of the Reich!

The Gare
I wonder how many people would really be interested in a QR jam though? I think it would be cool. We discussed it a bit last night. We are working on filling up the first 3 months of the year with gigs, so maybe we can fit something like that in. We are doing TC's Jan. 4. It seemed to accomodate the open jam quite nicely.

Helena Handbasket? I know her!!! HA!

Yea, that was Frank singing Hallowed be Thy Name, the singer for EMPYRE. Dont forget we are playing with the Maidens Dec. 28 at the Fox Club. Should be ALOT of fun. :rock:

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

And Snausages, you gotta know some QR tunes?! Everyone knows Queen of the Reich!

The Gare