Tuesday's Maiden Open Jam @ T.c.'s 11/26 / Eddie's Girlfriends!

Well I sang Take hold of the flame (Warning) many times. Gary's more a mindcrime kinda guy. He can play a few licks from mindcrime. Hell if you he wanted to he could play every damn song. Gary is a very talented guitar player. He is a pretty nifty singer too. Tears me out of the water everytime I try :-D
I used to sing Mindcrime, but I was in the car 8-10 hours a day too so practice was inevitable. I'd be all kindsa afraid to tank it if I tried now. Ahh, youth, so fleeting, so breif, now hand me my cane so's I can hobble along...
Dude I knwo you can sing it with practcie. Sing in teh shower in teh car on the way to and from work. Dude I just knwo you can do it.Cuz Your snausages and thats Whats snausages are known for ;)
I thought it was this completely over the top dude that keeps posting here! You know, the one that uses that snausages-speak that a few have trouble comprehending...

I'd like to hear Snausages do some mindcrimey guitary jammin as well!
Well, I think we will try to put a open jam like that together then. I'll keep you all posted.
Well, I think we will try to put a open jam like that together then. I'll keep you all posted.

:) Sorry. Just being an annoying pain in the ass. (But, you expect that from me anyways, don't you?)
Ha, duh! The board choked earlier and I thought it did not post so I refreshed and posted again.

Oh well, worse things have happened.

BTW Smylex, great job on Die with your boots on! Though you looked nervous as fuck up there! :rock:
Nervous? Nah...

More like fucking terrified! That was my first time on stage singing for an audience. I probably would have been more comfortable if I had just walked on the stage completely naked and showed everyone my dick! (Then, it would be an unintentional comedy act. The girls in the audience wouldn't be able to stop laughing...)

I don't regret doing it, though. It was one more hurdle that I felt that I needed to get over in life. Personally, I prefer playing guitar or bass while I'm onstage. At least then I know what to do during solos.
HAHA! You did a good job. I would have a problem with getting up and singing since I cant sing to save my ass. I have played bass on stage a couple of times and that is pretty fun. I love the bass. I kinda have a side project playing bass with, ironically, a friend of mine who is now playing bass for us. The last show we did was real dark on what they called a stage and I could not see shit! I fucked up all over the place. We may do another show sometime in the future. They are always fun and full of surprises.


Ha! No, it was not The Shack. It was a place called King Neptunes in Sunset beach and the stage was the size of a bathroom! Ugh.. never again!

I only headline now!!!!!!

hehehehe..............humor you know......:grin:
Originally posted by smylex
Nervous? Nah...

More like fucking terrified! That was my first time on stage singing for an audience.

I thought you did good. *kicked ass!* Yeah you looked nervous, but you didn't stumble anywhere in there (at least that I could tell). Earlier I was talking to Sara and she invited me to join her on the backing vocals for Run To The Hills, but when the signal came I chickened out at the last moment. I think I just needed a few beers in me to give me that "fuck it" feeling! Never been on stage, but I still think it would be fun. Maybe next time!

Ohhh, did I say that!?
Beer? I didn't have that luxury. I was stone cold sober. :cry:

I always follow the rule of not drinking before a performance and certainly not during a performance, either. (Hell, for this show, I hadn't had anything to drink for about three weeks prior. To ensure that I wouldn't start tapping into the sauce, I even threw all of my booze into the trash.) Alcohol screws up the throat, but also, it fucks up my timing and, when you're holding down the low end, if your timing is off, people REALLY notice it, especially in Metal.
I still have to give you props, Smylex. Beer or not, I can't handle every note Bruce did on that track. Harmonies, fine. But ya did good, man. Balls!
Smylex I played Adrian on Boots and I had 2 beers in me. Was my timing off :-P. Perhaps a little. :-P I know my tuning sure was. Stupid Guitar. Anyhoots I had a blast. Maybe we can do anotrher song again some time. :-D