Tully's Care Package

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
If you want to send some goodies to our beloved Tully pm Aurel for his address. All goodies will be sent to our humble giant and forwarded from Jew City U.S.A.

Perhaps we can have a deadline of May 5th to get your packages to NYC?!?



wtf. I already thought of this but you beat me to the punch.
btw, is that chick from Hostel? I love boobies.
haha yeah I came back to this thread just to get another look at those. 10/10

also LOL at the mortar. Didnt see that earlier
I always thought it was wierd to send stuff to random members of the armed forces. How utterly arbitrary. So you volunteered to kill or be killed at the whims of a corrupt government? Here's some stuff for you!
Why not send me shit? I'm an RN. I actually went to college, paid for it ON MY OWN, and save or improve thousands of lives a year.
Mike, if you send shit to Tully before you send shit to me, I'm gonna come over there and punch you in the fucking kidney.

Duly noted. I don't even know exactly what I'm supposed to send you but I'll just make it an assortment of stuff (Nasheim+Lethal stuff I suppose) I have lying about. Every time I wear the Taake or Master of Puppets shirt my heart says FUCK YOU LAZY FUCKBRAIN.