Tuning drums


Dec 14, 2005
Pavia - Italy
So I decided to learn how to tune a drumset properly, and how to record it acceptably since I have a friend's band coming in our studio to record a couple of demo tracks. Our drummer is a bit of a "yeah, yeah, who cares..." kind of guy who has always tuned by ear, and since reading Oz's thread I was freaking out just wanting to lay my paws on that Pearl set.

That said, I bought a Tension Watch, and tonight I quickly had a go at tuning his toms... :OMG:

Those things just came to life!!! I only had a really quick go at it, not 100% satisfied but I already noticed a huge improvement tonewise!
I just wanted to share this with you guys, especially those who still think that tuning a drumset properly isn't that important.

Next up is tuning the damn thing well, and then getting some usable tracks out of it!
Yeah man honestly I don't even let drummer attempt to tune thier drums anymore because... they dunno how. That said though if I can't get a replacement kit (that senario sucks bawls) and they show with a beater and refuse to buy new heads :mad: then I replace and hate it.

I had a kid with the original factory heads on a 8 year old kit. I shit you not, he was way to cheap to replace them and the recording sucked royal.