Tuning for Hatecrew Deathroll

Iced In Flames

Jan 26, 2002
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I like jamming to Bodom songs. But something is throwing me off. Is Sixpounder tuned in C? I play it in D but there are definitly lower sounding notes in there.

Thanks for any help!!
I don't know shit about guitars, tuning, etc, but i know that sixpounder is tuned in a different way. In fact, in the concert alexi caught another guitar to play that song
Yeah, it's a c cause it's tuned down from d (which is their regular tuning) but it's a drop! And don't tell me to fuck off you ignorant bastard, I was sitting next to him when he showed me.
stoned, gryphon is in the band griffin, whom alexi helped produce their latest cd. he also almost joined CoB to replace Ale.

have fun prying your foot out of your throat.
During the Hate Crew Deathroll Finland tour this year, they didn't play Sixpounder and they played Angels Don't Kill with normal tuned guitars. They didn't have their ESP endorsements at that time and couldn't change their guitars live.