Turisas are helpful.

Thank you Nygard, Olli, Netta, Hannes, Jussi, and anyone else I forgot.

That would be Tude! :p

But I do agree, Turisas are the one of the few bands that can help with depression when it hits..

I'm going to finish throwing up now, have a happy new year Turisas, and Katy/Vikingness/whoever else goes to this forum!.

Happy new year to you too!!! Hope you've stopped throwing up now and you'e feeling better!

EDIT: I also got engaged, and somehow lost my fiance (who I met tonight, to be fair) in about 2 hours. I really wa nted to marry her.She was amazing...

Btw, Warlord, Olli, etc, you did an amazing show in Southampton, and if you heard anything about Security being called around then, it's because you had half naked Turisas enthusiasts swarming your Tour bus. About 12 of us, if i'm honest. Me and about a dozen friends think you should do a meet up here next time you tour in the UK (Which will be 2010 at minimum we guess), but still! We were quite bummed out that you only did one in London before legging it to America.

But yar, i should sleep, read this in the morning and egret typign this. Night!

haha well done on the engagement, shame you lost her though!!

and how come we didn't meet up in southampton????
its justa centimetre away from teh question "what shampoo does the band use" XD
er... not really...

She just likes stroking mens hair... to be fair so do I, although I don't think i've ever stroked Mathias's hair... I'm too scared of coming into contact with his war paint again!
I meant silky soft in a metaphorical AND literal sense.

I guess my thoughts are lost on most people. Apart from Katie, Mika, Ellie. Of course.
Ah, knew I forgot someone, sorry Tude, hah.

And I think ye said something about being ill in Southampton, and spent most of your time backstage. I was a bit jealous =P

I managed to throw up the glowstick fluid in the end, apparently Wikipedia says because I ingested it, I have cancer or something. The cancer you get when you're too awesome for normal cancer. Metal cancer.

Oh yeah, i forgot about the illness, i ventued outside to see a couple of people and trekked to ASDA to find Lockets for Dave and then hid inside in the warmth the rest of the time hehe
Next time though! We shall meet!

haha luckily for you that stuff is non-toxic... and it's exactly situations like this that it was made non-toxic for...
Back to the original post. Anyone who can listen to a Turisas CD and not smile once through the duration, doesn't really deserve to be called a human.
Back to the original post. Anyone who can listen to a Turisas CD and not smile once through the duration, doesn't really deserve to be called a human.

i always knew that I am sometimes no human...*yay* :Smokedev:

sometimes even music doesnt make people smile, so...
One thing i've also recently noticed about Turisas, is they've not come out with a single song I haven't liked...with most bands I like about 5 or 6 of their songs max..and then that's it, but with Turisas, they seem to be the exception.

That's a point, there's about 3 songs I don't like even with my favourite band. I glaze over when they play them live. Turisas could play Cliff Richard's greatest hits and I'd still love it.
Turisas could play Cliff Richard's greatest hits and I'd still love it.

As in:

Viking Holiday (no more rowing for a week or two etc)
Finnish Doll
The Drunk Ones
Pillaging and Wine

As for the actual thread topic (see? I can do on-topic!), I think if you love music there'll always be a band or artist that resonates and keeps you going when you're going through shit. Mine was Placebo back in the mid-late 90s (listening to their second album is still painful nearly 10 years later, put it that way), but I can see how Turisas do it as well. Shame I didn't know about them back then, eh? :lol:
As in:

Viking Holiday (no more rowing for a week or two etc)
Finnish Doll
The Drunk Ones
Pillaging and Wine

hahaha I love you girl!!!!

Also, was stuck at the parents on sat, watching Total Wipeout (or something like that) hosted by none other than Hamster! Now why the hell is he hosting crappy TV shows and not on our damn longship????