Turkish Fiasko

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Oct 7, 2005
Stuttgart, Germany
Last night we were waiting and dying to see Evergrey play live and headbang.We were so excited and came to the place hours before the beginning of the concert...As we were getting closer to the hour of the concert we heard that concert was cancelled because of promo problems!!!Promo problems??We deserve to know what are the promo problems exactly??It's said that they arrived to the place too late and if they gave the concert they would fall behind the schedule and couldn't make it to the concert in Romania the other day...Now that is something ridicilous.We went there to see them and paid to see them...It's not about the money or something but for godsake two of our friends came from other cities just to see them.And then we get nothing.I'm not blaiming the band or sth.I and the people came there last night are waiting for an explanation,real and the exact reason for the situation...I asked them when they were leaving and they said that it's not about the money or sth that they demanded from the organization but I don't believe that...And I wanna thank them for at least letting us taking photos with them.We really were so enthusiastic about them and disappointed about the concert...But if the schedule thing is the reason behind the cancellation of the concert I wanna ask "Why is the Romania crowd is more important than us?"Is it the number of tickets that are sold?I know that the number is too small for Evergrey...And if that's the reason it would make sense but otherwise it's meaningless...I would appreciate anything coming from band about this fiasko...Thanks
We were there too and Really want to know the REAL reason behind this nonsense. Is it related with the other guy "hayko cepkin" or not? we want to know this. I didnt think that evergrey members canceled the concert which arranged long time ago even if there is just one ticket sold, because of their professionality.SO band members please give us some answer. We were there for YOU.
It didn't happen because of us (romanians). Actually.... i just received an email containing the news that the concert was cancelled here, too.
from Istanbul,

It was really disappointed for many people that the concert was cancelled,it was something done amateurish,you came to the place before the concert but couldn't receive any exact reason from anyone about why it's cancelled...

If it's about 75 tickets which were sold,it'd be more disappointing for fans who were there.I'm sure that noone will wanna remember this day.It was really fiasko...

A Night to Forget!!!
I also came from another country and I paid 300 euros my plane ticket to see EG !!!! just because it was my birthday yesterday and this was going to be the most beautiful present I've never had ... It seems that the band was here ?? so I really don't understand what was the problem .... and of course an official explanation should be given as soon as possible ...
I like Evergrey, although i'm not a fan. And i missed their concert in İzmir/Turkey 2 days ago as i was very ill. When i heard the situation in Istanbul, i felt very upset and angry, yet not sure towards whom...

An official member (or manager) of the band should make a sensible explanation for this event i suppose!
I was there too, one of sad and angry fans in Istanbul fiasko. But the matter is worse for me. I would have gone to Evergrey concert in Izmir. But i had bought tickets for the concert in Istanbul with a friend. And i waited in Istanbul for 5 days for this concert.

A day before my girlfriend watched the concert in Izmir. She told me the brilliance of your performance. I was more wondered about your performance.

We all waited in front of the hall but Evergrey left the hall by our lookings full of sadness and anger.

At first Soilwork cancelled its concert due to bombing events in Diyarbakir, now Evergrey cancelled due to ridiculous problem. All Swedish bands are the same.
We can't blame Swedish bands because they don't come owing to terrorism.
I don't goddamn care the reason why the true gods called Evergrey didn't come.
I know it was them who played to 50 people in London.
Doesn't matter the problem or money.
I wasn't able to see them. My gods. I can't dare to investigate my "true" gods. No. I don't joke at all. I'm sincere.
It's a band whose every single note is worth being worshipped.

What I care is... To be able to see my gods third time. Wherever, whenever. And if they think to come here another time... I'll be in front of them. I'll even bang my head more than them (well if Mike were still in the crew, I wouldn't bet about this:D).

Yesterday (20/01/2007), I was "in a time and a place where I had to bite my lips to not be crying".
But there will be a time and a place where I'll stand up and shout the name of my gods... To set my soul free. EG rules and it's not news.

Greetings from Istanbul.
"We are extremely sorry about the cancellation of tonight's show in Bucharest. We were looking forward to coming and playing for our Romanian fans for the first time. But unfortunately the trailer to our tour bus broke down and we have been stuck in Turkey for 24 hours. We were hoping to get it fixed in time, but when the repairmen finally fixed the problem, there was simply not enough time for us to make it to Bucharest and play the show. Please accept our apologies for this and please understand that this lies totally out of our control and the Romanian promoter is also not to be blamed. We will do this show at some point later in the spring. Sorry again and stay grey."

Mr. Englund must believe that their Turkish fans are already staying in "GRAY", and this explanation to Romanian fans before the Turkish seems to have no reasonable or justifiable explanation.

And that is the hand of god you know, that breaks their trailer down... :lol:
I want to believe in these guys. I am hoping that they will come up with an explanation which will justify their cancellation of the İstanbul gig. I don't want to think the other way.
Why aren't we informed first intead of Romanians???(Fuck first we're still not informed!!)I'm so sorry about both of the concerts,I'm not blaming Romanians of course but there is sth really wrong if the band couldn't give any concert in both countries...Could it be tour managament??
We were there too and Really want to know the REAL reason behind this nonsense. Is it related with the other guy "hayko cepkin" or not? we want to know this. I didnt think that evergrey members canceled the concert which arranged long time ago even if there is just one ticket sold, because of their professionality.SO band members please give us some answer. We were there for YOU.

It's of course not about Hayko Cepkin!!!Fuck him we were there for Evergrey!!They were meant to play if it was even fuckin Britney Spears instead of Hayko.
I want to believe in these guys. I am hoping that they will come up with an explanation which will justify their cancellation of the İstanbul gig. I don't want to think the other way.

Even if they do this explanation about "cancellation", what about the order of explanation? (Firstly Istanbul concert was cancelled as is known, but no explanation yet. )
Evergrey annouced the reasons of cancellation and apologized to Romanian people for it.What about Turkish guys?

We have lots of possibilities...

75 tickets were sold
1-The group may have thought that numbers were so low,But if they thought that,why did they make us wait in front of concert place?They could have known about numbers which were sold,and decided to cancel early.But,You ask me as a fan I think that evergrey don't cancel a concert which 75 people come to(as an only reason).Cause evergrey likes hitting it off with fans,they give the concert even if tickets are sold so low...
2-Organisation may have thought that they wouldn't profit with these numbers as much as they want,and may have told the group not to give it.The group may have accepted that.If they had accepted,I should say,I don't expect from evergrey to accept or hold attitudes as they prioritize the financial situation or profits.
3-As far as I know,Jonas Ekdahl(on drums)said to my friend(in front of the concert place)that it was about promotion problem.Of course,if you arrange an organization in Istanbul,you should consider the students(esp. uni).For instance,Most of the students in Istanbul are on the exam period,nowadays.So we can say that it affected the tickets,too.It's bad for org.
4-While evergrey was leaving the concert place,the fans wanted to protest with clapping,but they didn't protest the group,they protested the situation.After that,they went to near of them and took some photos together.

So,everyone is waiting for the explanation from anyone(org. is so bad).It's not the right way cancelling the concert without giving any exact reason.We have many doubts about it,so you should enlighten us!!!
Yeah, one day has passed but still no explanation. Neither from the band, nor from the organisation. It stinks so bad that it is impossible to ignore it.
Oh no, one whole day.

No offense, but if they've been stuck in a country they're not familiar with, far from home, with a broken down bus and trailer, I'm sure they've got more on their minds than pissing off their fans. Think a little, people.
Oh no, one whole day.

No offense, but if they've been stuck in a country they're not familiar with, far from home, with a broken down bus and trailer, I'm sure they've got more on their minds than pissing off their fans. Think a little, people.

Seconded. As someone else also pointed out, they played to 50 people in London. It's really hard to believe that Evergrey walked away from playing this show because of numbers. Can't we cut them some slack until we hear something else??
Oh no, one whole day.

No offense, but if they've been stuck in a country they're not familiar with, far from home, with a broken down bus and trailer, I'm sure they've got more on their minds than pissing off their fans. Think a little, people.

And were they not in the same situation(stuck in a country bla bla)while they were apologizing for the concert in Romania mister?
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