Turkish Fiasko

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This is a big scandal.I came from another city to istanbul for this concert and when i went to concert hall i learned that it is abolitioned.The excuse was very laughable:If they play they wil be late for Romania concert so they must go.If this is true they must play in istanbul and postpone the Romanian concert.They act unprofessionally and disrespectfully.
I have seen them in istanbul 2 years ago.They seem like very good guys.I really shocked when i heard the abolition with this reason.
And another problem is they didn't made any explanation on their official web site.They must be ashamed for this acts.We deserve an explanation.I lost time and money.
I like their music but now i lost my respect to them.
I understand that this issue upsets, and I know it has upset the band at least equally much. Evergrey don't play on the door, so forget the money bit, and have invested time to go down there to meet and please their fans. It's definitely out of the bands control, whatever reason for the cancellation it was.
Evergrey had to cancel at New England Metalfest a few years ago, but my friends didn't come out here and act like Tom killed their dogs. Yes, it sucks that the apology wasn't aimed at Turkey, but you have to understand that they're probably not in the best mental shape given the situation.

Also, don't get pissy with me, I'm just playing devil's advocate, given that this entire thread is so pointed and rude.
Evergrey had to cancel at New England Metalfest a few years ago, but my friends didn't come out here and act like Tom killed their dogs. Yes, it sucks that the apology wasn't aimed at Turkey, but you have to understand that they're probably not in the best mental shape given the situation.

Also, don't get pissy with me, I'm just playing devil's advocate, given that this entire thread is so pointed and rude.

easy there pancake.We are not being rude or anything actually we are being behaved rude by not being given any exact reason for letting the fans down this way.It's not like you are the only one that loves Evergrey,we love them and the whole thread is actually about it,cos we were there for them and we gave our hard earned money to see them!!!Now listen buddy this is nothing about you or your buddies in fuckin new england,this is about us wanting a reason that makes sense and that's all...so if the thread is rude or inappropriate to you,you can stay the fuck away mister.Thanx
Evergrey had to cancel at New England Metalfest a few years ago, but my friends didn't come out here and act like Tom killed their dogs.

Was the reason for cancelling similar? Or weren't you given any explanation about the event while the reasons for some other recent cancellations had been given some understandable explanations? And if so, apart from "your friends" in New Eng., didn't anybody in the whole city (who could not see Evergrey and also could not receive an apology or explanation about the situation) reflect their resentment or wish for an explanation in a public platform like this? Even if these are all true (i strongly believe not), does or must everybody in the world act the same as each other when they are confronted with a similar situation? Or mustn't we respect these variations in attitudes, if they are not out of the framework of respect?

Shortly, Evergrey had to make an explanation to their Turkish fans (i'm not one of'em BTW) for courtesy, and even if the band doesn't have the slightest responsibility about this cancellation; the absence of such an explanation (especially considering the one to the Romanian fans) makes it justifiable to become a little "pointed" right?
Shortly, Evergrey had to make an explanation to their Turkish fans (i'm not one of'em BTW) for courtesy, and even if the band doesn't have the slightest responsibility about this cancellation; the absence of such an explanation (especially considering the one to the Romanian fans) makes it justifiable to become a little "pointed" right?

Ohh, so you think Evergrey is in a position to choose what's published on Blabbermouth? Maybe them, the Blabb, just didn't give a shit about Turkey and just cut the news to fit with Romania. It wouldn't be the first time that happened i the journalist world.

By the way, I'm fully convinced there will be a good and trust worthy explanation on the website once the guys come home. If you fancy taking the piss and invent whatever until then... well, it's your misery.
Maybe them, the Blabb, just didn't give a shit about Turkey and just cut the news to fit with Romania.

By the way, I'm fully convinced there will be a good and trust worthy explanation on the website once the guys come home. If you fancy taking the piss and invent whatever until then... well, it's your misery.

If "may be", then "may not be" is another probability in this case considering your sentence. And if "not be" comes true (which you see possible), then you shouldn't be "fully convinced..." in my opinion.

And i don't intend to drop in this topic often, just to create various negative possibilities in this situation and blame Evergrey for this. I've made (and will make until i hear a formal explanation to this situation) just one judgment about the explanation thing. And if your mentioned "blab cut" possibility turns out to be true, my judgment may turn to be "wrong" of course.

Hope time will tell...
And I heard that all Evergrew crew was drunk; so they were not aware of what was really going on :D
I hope we can see them later with a better bus.
Evergrey did a concert in Canarian Islands in octuber.They did not got any money and they made a fantastic show because they new that people had come to see them.They NEVER;EVER canceled anything because they respect the fans.Wait until they come back to Sweden and I´m sure they will explain whwt happened.
Stay Grey
This thread is not rude.Professional bands have responsibilities.They can't act like high school bands.If they act like that we deserve to react like that.They must tell us what was the problem...Maybe the fault wasn't belonging to them.But they didn't need any explanation.So they are guilty.
This thread is not rude.Professional bands have responsibilities.They can't act like high school bands.If they act like that we deserve to react like that.They must tell us what was the problem...Maybe the fault wasn't belonging to them.But they didn't need any explanation.So they are guilty.

How dare you?
Alright, this is my last post on the matter, and probably what I should have said in the first place:

I understand that y'all are pissed off, and you should be, but saying things in a pointed manner won't make the situation any better. If you jump to conclusions and condemn them before finding out the whole story, they'll probably be LESS likely to explain what happened, and why Turkey didn't get the apology while Romania did. It sucks, and I feel for you guys, seriously. Hopefully EG will make it up to you at some point, be it a free gig or whatever.

And please, there's no reason to tell me to fuck off. I didn't say I was Evergrey's only fan or anything like that, and I resent you putting words in my mouth.
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