Turning into a workaholic


May 9, 2006

In the past three months I've been flooded with lots of work - most good rock bands in town are doing work with me , the studio I work on finally has some good clients (not rock, mostly samba and brazilian stuff, but it is work) and my bills are mostly up to date. The thing is, when I have free time, I can't turn my mind off work. Honestly, I am addicted to it. When my wife sleeps, I instantly go back to the computer to work and every small time I have, I work. Maybe that's because work has been the most fun I've had in some time (well, I sometimes play guitar..that's fun in my current situation, and since my car stereo broke, most music I listen are my client's) and I've becoming kinda worried about it, as I just can't turn it off. Any thoughts?
Turn it off and walk away man. I know how it can be, when you get a good band in the studio, you get all excited and want to work all night long, but the work isn't running away and you can easily take it up the next day.

Especially as you describe it, when you are booked and got a good client flow, then you should work like 8-10hours a day and then do something different on your spair time. Especially if you got a wife man.
"Especially if you got a wife man" - Yeah, it is one of the things that are worrying me. Besides, I am gaining weight fast and becoming anxious. It really feels like some kind of drug addiction.
Be careful man. When stress comes to play things start to get twisted. You should be able to separate work and free time daily. That means no working at home. It can be difficult with emails and all the work shit that you can do with home computer or phone, but as crillemannen mentioned its better to do a longer day at work and then rest at home.

I can tell from experience that too much work and stress leads to sleep deprivation and that leads to very annoying memory problems and depression. And if you are anything like me, add on top of that alcohol abuse that was my only escape from work shit going on and on in my head. You will become the grumpy bastard who never remembers anything important.

I have to repeat myself here. The most important thing is - separate work and free time.
"Especially if you got a wife man" - Yeah, it is one of the things that are worrying me. Besides, I am gaining weight fast and becoming anxious. It really feels like some kind of drug addiction.

Maybe start doing some excercise in your down time. This way you'll keep fit, not gain the weight and it'll help you take your mind off work and keep you sane.
Maybe start doing some excercise in your down time. This way you'll keep fit, not gain the weight and it'll help you take your mind off work and keep you sane.

You could do this and spend more time with your wife if you both join a physical activity class together. Like yoga or a marshal art.
Yeah get into some martial arts man.

It's actually what I had in mind when I wrote it. I do brazilian jiu jitsu and would recommend it to anyone. Keeps you fit, is tons of fun, meet great people and suits all fitness levels and body types.
We did yoga together a few years ago - it was great, fun, but all the yoga classes now are in weird times that we're either working or taking care of the girls :(

All the things you guys are saying is happening - my sleep is kinda weird (well, it has always been since my teenage years), I am sweating like a motherfucker when I sleep, I am very anxious, eating too much, I am more aggressive with my wife and daughters (well, I am not punching them in the face, but my answers have been kinda stupid lately). When I go out with them, i just...stay anxious all the time - not even for the work itself, but for finishing the work and earn the money. For the first time in years, my bills are more or less up to date, like I said, and the feeling of not owning too much people is almost like a blowjob eheh

I really need to do exercises, as it will improve my anxiety, my back pain and improve my weight (I am really not that overweight, about 80kg on a 1.76m body, but I need to improve my fitness as I look like a big piece of gello). I used to play basketball when I was up to 22yo or so (even played on the State team), and I was trying to schedule some pickup games with some clients and guys from bands, but every week something screws it up.

So you guys think exercising will help me ?
Exercising is good for sure. It does not only help you to get in snape again, it really helps mentally. I feel more energized and focussed after working out. Just try it for a few weeks and decide then wether to stick to it or not. :)
I'm all for exercise, I love hitting the treadmill or doing some lifting, at any time possible, I even get up early on Sundays and do some morning workout at home sometimes, it really helps to distract and keep you focused. Plus, I can listen to some rough mixes on my headphones while doing it. Go for it! Join a gym, a martial art class, whatever, it'll help no doubt
Are you SURE you're an English teacher?:lol:

Hahahahaha I don't see a grammar fail there, more like a "contradiction" fail :lol: I was either having lunch or taking a shit while writing that (hopefully not both, but with me you never know), but I think you can still get my point, as in distract (from work) and keep you focused (on life, your family, etc.)

Or is there a grammar fail I don't see?
Hahahahaha I don't see a grammar fail there, more like a "contradiction" fail :lol: I was either having lunch or taking a shit while writing that (hopefully not both, but with me you never know), but I think you can still get my point, as in distract (from work) and keep you focused (on life, your family, etc.)

Or is there a grammar fail I don't see?

not grammar, just articulation fail :p

I understood what you were going for even though it was actually 2 completely separate concepts ... distract & focus

I was thinking more in terms of your poor students who listen to you and have to try and make sense of the notes they take from you :fu: